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Commerces are highly-targeted loyalty programs based on CRS. Leveraging MPM’s zero-trust mechanism, stakeholders can offer pCredits, eCredits, and vCredits as rewards and let customers choose how and to what extent to redeem them. Commerces improve the security of reward programs through CRS encryption and immutable records of PoC: PoW, PoI, and PoA

circle min
OPEN Pink neon sign with blue light background.
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Skills Acquisition

Stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing workplace by accessing fresh, on-demand skilling programs through a powerful peer-to-peer marketplace.

Skills Activation

Leverage the integrated Micro-production Model built for the twin digital-green transformation. Unleash the next generation of skills and competencies.

Skills Matching

Use instruments built for tackling unemployment, facilitating transitions to jobs and making TVET more responsive and resilient toward labour market risks.

Stackable Micro-credentials

How does it work?

Commerces empower companies to boost customer participation and engagement by conducting contests, hackathons and other programs using CRS. Any business on the GCRI platforms can apply to become a commerces and launch campaigns by offering special perks and bonuses to Credits holders. Credits can be allocated to specific quests, bounties or builds related to the commerce. Commerces have the option to accept local and universal CoI generated by members to improve their ESG, SDGs, and CSR portfolio. Commerces ultimately bridge the digital and physical divide with incentives designed and allocated to company-specific achievements such as CoA, CoQ, and CoE
Visit commerce area and subscribe to vendors relevant to your interests for live updates
request money 1
Generate commerce cards and receive a code in your email that confirms generated cards
Exchange, redeem or gift your cards before the expiration date: valid for seven days
barcode scanner
Go to associated commerces online or in-store to redeem generated cards 🤩
e commerce
Apply to join commerces with simple application and leverage CRS for your business
grand master key
Receive a commerce key that enables your vendor to run CRS globally and exclusively
multiple devices 1
Accept or reject user-generated cards online or in-store using QR codes or via your dashboard
barcode scanner 2
Get notified instantly on your commerce cards status: valid, redeemed, expired 
Integrate commerces into smart badges and supercharge your programs anywhere
wearable technology 1
Implement commerces in physical places using small, disposable, wearable BLE tags
electrical sensor
Integrate commerces into physical environments with disposable anchor beacons
gps receiving
Identify patterns, create insights and make predictions across physical space

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Frequently Asked Questions

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No questions matching current filter

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check blue
Our Vision
Micro-production Model
Contactless and cashless payment through qr code and mobile banking
Turning Agency Into

Next-Gen Credit Rewards

Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms. Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms. Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or formsRedeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms. Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms. Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or formsRedeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms. Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms. Redeem user-generated cards either with QR codes or forms

Embrace the Future of Work

The sustainability of society depends on its capacity to upscale resilient initiatives. We aim to be a catalyst of change, allowing the global society to find systemic solutions to complex issues. Our goals can only be met if we work together. International investments and support are needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade and market access, especially for developing countries. To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative

Have questions?