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Advisory Councils


  1. The Council is an advisory council established under GCRI’s Bylaws.
  2. The Council shall act only in an advisory capacity to the Board and shall have no legal authority to act on behalf of GCRI.


  1. The Board will appoint members of the Council. The Council will consist of persons who are not directors or officers of GCRI.
  2. The Board may fill vacancies on the Council. The Board may remove a Council member from the Council at any time, with or without cause.


The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) is the world’s leading organization on risk and innovation. A member-run network, GCRI promotes and develops science-based programs that help to improve the lives of the poor. Together, GCRI members are at the frontiers of green transition, working to provide consensus mechanisms for cooperation, decentralization and optimal regulatory architecture of global and local governance systems.

To advance its mission, GCRI may integrate external (non-GCRI members) perspectives, expertise, and informal advice into the governance structure of GCRI through the establishment and support of Advisory Councils.

Objective and Purpose 

The Advisory Council provides strategic advice to the Board and Board Committees with the ultimate goal of achieving GCRI’s mission. 

Roles and Responsibilities 

The Advisory Council shall provide strategic advisory support to the Board and Board Committees in the following aspects: 

  • Positioning of GCRI as global civil society’s focal point for the coordination of catastrophic risk reduction; 
  • Reinforcing GCRI’s cooperative approach with different multilateral stakeholders; 
  • Support development of GCRI’s initiatives in delivering its mandate; 
  • Alignment of GCRI’s programs with prevailing trends and developments in finance, regulations, technology, research, and policy 
  • Advice on GCRI’s key priorities based on potential impact on GCRI members and contribution to the Global Goals.

The Advisory Council shall report to the Board. The Advisory Council shall have no formal management and/or governance responsibilities at GCRI. Notwithstanding, Advisory Council members may be invited to attend Board of Directors meetings as observers. 

The Advisory Council may be assisted by resources from Committees, Working Groups and additional consultancy support if deemed necessary. The Advisory Council may propose to the GCRI’s Executive Committee where additional resources are required in support of the Board’s objectives. 



Each Advisory Council shall comprise 20 members who are identified from a range of relevant stakeholders including, but not exclusively, the following: 

  • Funding partners; 
  • Intellectual partners; 
  • Private sector partners; 
  • Community leaders and distinguished individuals in global financial inclusion advocacy; and 
  • Academicians, researchers and subject matter experts in specific policy areas. 


Individuals may be nominated by the Board to the Advisory Council based on: 

  • Expertise on institution building aspects of global non-profit organizations;
  • Experience in strategies and policies on financial inclusion; 
  • Research work in financial inclusion and related policy and regulatory areas; and
  • Experience in innovative approaches and technologies for delivery of financial services. 


The Board shall conduct the necessary due diligence and approve the qualified individuals as members of the Advisory Councils. 

Appointment and Term 

An Advisory Council member is eligible to serve on the Council for a maximum of three consecutive terms (one term is three years). Thereafter, at least one full term shall pass before the individual is eligible to be appointed again to the Advisory Council unless otherwise decided by the Board. 


Advisory Council membership is not a paid position. Members may, however, receive reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred when providing services via GCRI’s Service Hub.


An Advisory Council member may resign by sending written or electronic notice to the Chair of the Advisory Council (or to the Vice-Chair, in the case of the Chair), or by giving verbal notice at any Board meeting. A resignation shall take effect on the date specified therein, although at least 30 days from the receipt of such notice is strongly encouraged to foster continuity. The Advisory Council shall make sure that such notice of resignation is communicated to the GCRI Board of Directors. 

Termination of membership 

The Board may by written notice terminate the membership of an Advisory Council member where the services of the member are no longer required. 

Chair and Vice-Chair 

The members of the Advisory Council shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair by a simple majority vote. 

The Advisory Council’s Chair shall be elected for a period of two (2) years. 

The role and responsibilities of the Chair are as follows: 

  • Setting the agenda of each meeting; 
  • Facilitate discussion and preside over meetings;
  • Report the work of the Advisory Council to the Chair of the Board of Directors;
  • Call for meetings of the Advisory Council, with the support of the Secretariat.
  • In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the role and responsibilities of the Chair. 

The re-election of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be agreed by members of the Council through a simple majority vote. 

Meetings and Interactions 

Meetings of the Advisory Council shall be coordinated by the Secretariat from GCRI’s Executive Committee and held at least twice a year, via videoconference and/or conference calls. The Advisory Council may permit other persons to attend these meetings as may be required in carrying out its duties. 

A meeting requiring attendance in person shall be called by written notice no less than 45 days before the meeting date. Other meetings may be called with shorter notice. The date, time, and place (if any) of such meetings will be determined by the GCRI’s Executive Committee in consultation with the members of the Advisory Council. 

The agenda of the meeting will be determined upon consultation with the members of the Board and at the direction of the Chair. The Secretariat will seek input from members of the Council before the date of the meeting, to determine the meeting agenda. The final agenda and related documentation shall be circulated at least two weeks before the date of the meeting. 

The Advisory Council shall receive periodic reports from the Executive Committee to support its activities. The Advisory Council shall have access to GCRI’s annual report, corporate plan and any other reports as may be relevant for the Advisory Council to carry out its roles and responsibilities effectively. 

The Advisory Council will report progress to the Chair of the Board of Directors at least two (2) weeks after each Council meeting. 

All meetings of the Advisory Council shall be recorded in writing and minutes of the meeting shall be distributed to all members. The minutes of the meeting shall be approved by the Advisory Council members at the following meeting and retained in the permanent records of GCRI. 


The Executive Committee shall provide secretariat services to the Advisory Council. In addition, the Executive Committee shall designate a liaison person to facilitate the liaison between the Advisory Council and GCRI’s Executive Committee. 

The Secretariat shall communicate with Council members via email correspondences, or any other means of communication such as telephone calls to facilitate its work. The Secretariat shall maintain relevant contact details of each member and alternate member of the Council.

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