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Nexus Governance Essentials


Welcome to the Planetary Nexus Governance framework of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI). Our mission is to serve as a global nexus, fostering engagement across civil society, academia, industry, and government to collectively address and mitigate risks. We strive to build more resilient, democratic, and prosperous communities worldwide, driven by our commitment to research, innovation, and capacity building in enterprise risk and innovation management.

GCRI is dedicated to establishing itself as a focal point in global risk management and innovation. Our strategic operations and governance framework are tailored to confront the societal impacts of technological disruptions and financial evolution, aiming to create sustainable and democratic global communities.

Your role as a board member is crucial in guiding GCRI towards achieving its mission. Through strategic decision-making, legal accountability, and a commitment to ethical governance, you will contribute to shaping a resilient and innovative global community. We rely on your expertise and leadership to steer GCRI in navigating the complex landscape of global risks and opportunities.


Operating as a meta-organization, GCRI supports two primary entities under its governance:

  • Nexus Standards Foundation (NSF): Acts as a grant-making entity for the development of Nexus Standards.
  • Global Risk Alliance (GRA): Functions as the transnational accelerator and investment arm for the Nexus Ecosystem.

Operational Focus

  • Cooperation and Control: Through initiatives like the Earth Cooperation Treaty (ECT), we establish a robust framework for global risk management.
  • Standardization: We co-develop international standards for risk management, security, and sustainability.
  • Education, Acceleration, and Practice: We focus on building capacities through interdisciplinary tools and training programs, enhancing collective security and resilience.

Strategic Objective

The strategic objectives of GCRI revolve around pioneering advancements in Earth Systems Science, Planetary Nexus Governance, and facilitating the Earth Cooperation Treaty (ECT), aiming to bolster global mechanisms for managing environmental, technological, and financial risks.

Governance Structure

  • General Assembly (GA): The principal decision-making body, inclusive of all members, which convenes to ratify major policies and strategic directions.
  • Board of Trustees (BoT): Provides oversight, ensuring long-term organizational stability and adherence to GCRI’s mission and values.
  • Global Stewardship Board (GSB): Sets strategic objectives and ensures all activities align with GCRI’s mission.
  • Regional Stewardship Boards (RSBs): Tailor and implement global strategies within specific regions, ensuring local relevance and impact.
  • National Working Groups (NWGs): Facilitate the implementation of global standards and adapt initiatives to meet national priorities.
  • National Advisory Councils (NACs): Offer technical and political consultation to integrate national perspectives into global strategies.

Specialized Leadership

  • Specialized Leadership Board (SLB): Focuses on thematic areas like risk management and sustainability, ensuring initiatives are based on cutting-edge research.
  • Technical Councils (TCs): Develop and refine technical standards and methodologies.
  • Technical Management Divisions (TMDs): Execute technical projects and research, advancing GCRI’s strategic initiatives.

Funding and Resource Management: Members contribute resources to ensure operational readiness and capability development, supporting GCRI’s mission through national and direct contributions.

Programs and Interoperability: Our programs emphasize testing and validation of GCRI concepts through exercises, promoting standardization and interoperability for effective cooperation.

Partnership and Collaboration: Embracing a whole-of-society approach, we collaborate with international organizations and entities across the quintuple helix model to enhance global security and sustainability.

Legal and Ethical Framework: As board members, you are entrusted with upholding GCRI’s mission through rigorous adherence to our governance framework and ethical standards. This includes ensuring compliance with international laws and maintaining proactive engagement with regulatory bodies.

Strategic and Operational Responsibilities: You will actively participate in shaping strategic directions, approving budgets, and ensuring the effective implementation of policies and plans. Your role is critical in fostering transparency, stakeholder engagement, and continuous organizational improvement.


A. Preliminary Assessment of the UN75 Survey and Dialogues

The UN75 initiative, a year-long global conversation, has gathered input from over 13 million people worldwide to identify key global trends and ideas for enhanced global cooperation. ​ The document presents preliminary results and analysis from surveys and dialogues, highlighting the top priorities for creating a better world, including environmental protection, human rights, and reducing conflict. ​ The survey data reveals a strong consensus on the importance of countries working together to manage global trends, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. ​ The report emphasizes the need for bottom-up approaches, partnerships, and inclusivity in policy-making to address global challenges effectively. The UN75 initiative aims to provide valuable insights for the implementation of the UN75 Political Declaration and foster resilience in the face of global risks. 

  1. The public’s priorities for ‘the world we want to create’ emerging in the UN75 initiative were: environmental protection, protection of human rights, less conflict, equal access to basic services, and zero discrimination.
    1. The top three priorities emerging from the survey were: environmental protection, protection of human rights, and less conflict. 
    2. The top three priorities emerging from the dialogues were: a more secure/peaceful world; a world with equal access to basic services; and a world without discrimination and with representation based on race, gender, origins, religion, disability and health status. 
    3. When asked whether they believed people would be better off or worse off in 25 years, survey respondents were split almost equally, with optimists slightly outnumbering pessimists; the young generally more optimistic than older age groups; and men generally more optimistic than women. 
  2. The top three global trends emerging in the UN75 initiative are: climate and the environment, armed conflict/ violence, and health risks.
    1. Rise in survey responses that emphasize health risks since early March. This trend to continue as the effects of COVID-19 are felt around the world. 
    2. Survey respondents who prioritized environmental trends tended to place greater emphasis on the need for countries to work together, than those who prioritized socio-economic and violent trends. 
    3. The main trends discussed in dialogues, in terms of risks and proposed actions, were:
      1. Climate and the environment; 
      2. Poverty and inequality; 
      3. New technologies; 
      4. Security threats; 
      5. Population changes; and 
      6. A breakdown of trust between governments, and between people and governments. 
  3. An overwhelming majority—95%–of respondents agreed on the need for countries to work together to manage current global trends, with a noticeable uptick as COVID-19 began to spread around the world.
    1. 95% of survey respondents indicated that international cooperation is either ‘essential’ or ‘very important’ to manage global trends. 
    2. The survey data shows a noticeable uptick in perceived importance of countries working together since late February 2020, as the socio-economic upheaval caused by COVID-19 spread around the world. 

A number of ideas on how global cooperation could potentially be enhanced emerged from the dialogues: adopting more of a bottom up approach to developing solutions; more effective global partnerships and platforms for cooperation/ knowledge sharing; and greater involvement of women, youth, indigenous and vulnerable groups in policy/decision-making. 

B. UN75 Final Report Shaping Our Future Together

The report highlights the priorities and expectations of international cooperation as expressed by more than 1.5 million people from 195 countries who participated in the initiative. ​ Here are the main findings:

  1. Priorities for recovering better from the pandemic
  • Universal access to healthcare was the top immediate priority globally. ​​
  • More investment in education and youth programs was a high priority, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. ​
  • Access to safe water and sanitation was another critical immediate priority for respondents across all human development levels. ​
  • Global solidarity and support to the hardest hit people and communities, as well as addressing inequalities deepened by COVID-19, were prioritized, particularly in low and middle-income countries. ​
  1. Outlook for 2045: Threats and challenges​
  • Globally, more respondents believed people will be better off in 2045 than today. ​
  • Respondents in Sub-Saharan Africa were the most optimistic about the future, while those in Northern America, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Oceania and Antarctica were more pessimistic. ​
  • Respondents in regions with lower human development countries and those living in conflict situations tended to express greater optimism about the future. ​
  1. Long-term priorities for the future
  • More environmental protection was the number one long-term priority globally. ​​
  • Climate change and environmental issues were identified as the number one long-term global challenge. ​​
  • Other long-term priorities varied according to income levels, including employment opportunities, respect for human rights, and reducing conflict. ​
  1. Views on international cooperation and the United Nations
  • 97% of respondents believe that international cooperation is important for addressing global challenges. ​​
  • The degree of importance of international cooperation varied across regions, with respondents from Northern America viewing it most favorably. ​
  • Respondents in higher human development countries tended to perceive the need for international cooperation as greater than those in lower human development countries. ​
  • COVID-19 increased the view of the importance of greater cooperation between countries for the majority of respondents globally. ​
  1. Expectations from the United Nations: ​
  • Participants called for moral leadership, a reformed and more representative UN Security Council, and a revised Charter that includes pressing global challenges like climate change. ​
  • They also emphasized the need for continued management and leadership reforms, more inclusive hiring practices, and improved implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of UN programs. ​
  • Participants wanted an inclusive and participatory UN system that shows more care for the needs of ordinary people and solves international problems more effectively. ​

C. UN75 All Commitments

  1. The Heads of State and Government gathered on 21 September 2020 at the high-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations. ​
  2. The United Nations was established to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and has catalyzed decolonization, promoted freedom, shaped norms for international development, and worked to eradicate disease. ​
  3. The United Nations has helped to mitigate conflicts, saved lives through humanitarian action, and provided education to millions of children. ​
  4. Despite its achievements, the world still faces challenges such as inequality, poverty, armed conflicts, terrorism, climate change, and pandemics. ​
  5. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the interconnectedness of our challenges and the need for reinvigorated multilateralism. ​
  6. Strengthening international cooperation in peace and security, development, and human rights is crucial. ​
  7. The next 10 years, designated as the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development, are critical for achieving the 2030 Agenda. ​
  8. Protecting the planet is essential, and urgent action is needed to curb greenhouse gas emissions and achieve sustainable consumption and production patterns. ​
  9. Peace must be promoted and conflicts resolved through peaceful means, with a focus on upholding international law and addressing threats to international peace and security. ​
  10. International law and justice are indispensable foundations for a more peaceful, prosperous, and just world. ​
  11. Women and girls must be placed at the center of efforts, with their equal and active participation necessary for resolving conflicts and achieving sustainable development. ​
  12. Growing inequality within and among countries undermines trust and contributes to acts of xenophobia, racism, intolerance, hate speech, and disinformation. ​
  13. Digital cooperation is crucial, with digital technologies offering opportunities but also posing challenges that must be addressed to ensure their beneficial usage. ​
  14. The United Nations needs to adapt to the changing world and continue ongoing reforms to become a more agile, effective, and accountable organization. ​
  15. Sustainable and predictable funding of the United Nations is necessary for realizing aspirations, and transparency, accountability, and efficient use of resources must be enhanced. ​
  16. Partnerships across borders and society are essential for addressing today’s challenges effectively. ​
  17. Meaningful engagement with youth is crucial for peace and development, and their voices must be included in discussions about their future. ​
  18. Preparedness for crises, including health-related ones like the COVID-19 pandemic, needs to be improved through international cooperation, coordination, and solidarity. ​
  19. Global action and progress achieved in the last 75 years must be built upon to ensure the future we want, with mobilization of resources, strengthened efforts, and unprecedented political will and leadership. ​
  20. The Secretary-General is requested to report back with recommendations to advance the common agenda and respond to current and future challenges before the end of the seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly. ​

D. Our Common Agenda

The report proposes a new agenda for peace that recognizes the need for a comprehensive and revitalized approach to peacebuilding and conflict prevention. ​The agenda focuses on six core areas for action, including reducing strategic risks, strengthening international foresight and capacities, reshaping responses to all forms of violence, investing in prevention and peacebuilding, supporting regional prevention, and putting women and girls at the center of security policy. It aims to enhance global efforts in preventing conflicts, promoting peacebuilding, and addressing emerging risks to global peace and security. ​ The agenda emphasizes the importance of addressing root causes of conflicts, promoting social cohesion, and ensuring the inclusion and participation of all stakeholders. ​It also highlights the need for effective multilateralism, cooperation between regional and global actors, and coordination between different pillars of the United Nations. ​

The report recognizes the limitations of relying solely on GDP as a measure of progress and prosperity. It emphasizes the need to go beyond GDP and develop complementary measures that take into account human well-being, planetary sustainability, and the distributional dimensions of economic activity. ​ The report suggests that GDP fails to capture important factors such as non-market services, care work, environmental degradation, and inequality. ​ It proposes the exploration and implementation of alternative measures to GDP, such as the Human Development Index, the Multidimensional Poverty Index, the Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index, and Ecosystem Accounting. ​ The report also emphasizes the need to validate and value the care economy, recognize unpaid care work in economic models, and invest in quality paid care. ​ Additionally, it highlights the importance of accounting for and valuing the vast informal economy. ​ Overall, the report advocates for a shift in how we measure progress and prosperity, moving beyond GDP and considering a broader range of factors that contribute to human well-being, sustainability, and equality.

The report proposes the establishment of Emergency Platforms as a response to complex global crises. ​ These platforms would serve as mechanisms to facilitate coordinated and rapid responses to emergencies, bringing together various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector. ​ The report emphasizes the need to strengthen and expand emergency platforms to enhance preparedness and response capacities. ​ It suggests leveraging technology and innovation, ensuring adequate funding and resources, and establishing a global emergency platform for timely and coordinated responses to crises. ​ The purpose of these platforms would be to coordinate and mobilize resources, expertise, and support, and to enhance cooperation, information sharing, and decision-making in times of crisis. The report aims to strengthen global preparedness and response to complex global crises by providing a coordinated and inclusive platform for collaboration and action. ​

The report recognizes the increasing importance of outer space and the need for effective governance to ensure its peaceful and sustainable use for the benefit of all humanity. It proposes several actions to strengthen outer space governance, including strengthening international cooperation, addressing space debris, promoting space sustainability, ensuring equitable access and benefits, and strengthening the role of the United Nations. ​ The report also suggests the establishment of a new global platform for outer space governance and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation, adherence to existing treaties, and addressing the digital divide. ​ It calls for a collective and inclusive approach to outer space governance, with the aim of promoting peaceful, sustainable, and equitable use of outer space. ​ The report also proposes the development of a global regime to coordinate space traffic and prevent the weaponization of outer space, and suggests the organization of a multi-stakeholder dialogue on outer space as part of a Summit of the Future. ​The report highlights the need for updated norms, enhanced cooperation, and inclusive dialogue to ensure the peaceful and responsible exploration and use of outer space. ​ It also emphasizes the importance of placing women and girls at the center of security policy in outer space and calls for their active participation and equal representation in decision-making processes. ​ Overall, the report underscores the significance of a comprehensive and inclusive approach to outer space governance, taking into account the interests and concerns of all countries and stakeholders.

The report recognizes the importance of considering the interests and well-being of future generations in decision-making processes.​ It emphasizes the principle of intergenerational equity and the responsibility of present generations towards future generations. ​ The report proposes several actions to ensure the representation and protection of future generations, including the establishment of committees or commissioners for the future at the national level and exploring options to represent succeeding generations within the United Nations system. ​ It also encourages Member States to reflect duties to future generations in their constitutions and national legislative frameworks and suggests the development of a Declaration on Future Generations. ​ The report highlights the need to prioritize the interests and well-being of future generations in decision-making processes, both at the national and international levels, and calls for the establishment of mechanisms and frameworks that ensure the long-term sustainability and prosperity of future generations. ​

The report recognizes the growing concern over information integrity on digital platforms and emphasizes the need to address this issue. It suggests the development of a Global Digital Compact to outline shared principles for a trustworthy internet. ​ The report calls for the regulation of artificial intelligence, protection of human rights online, and accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content. ​ It also highlights the importance of stronger governance and regulatory frameworks for the digital domain, including the adaptation and reform of the Internet Governance Forum. ​ The report emphasizes the role of collaborative efforts, global norms, and principles to address the challenges posed by the digital domain and ensure the accuracy, reliability, and responsible dissemination of information on digital platforms.

The “Our Common Agenda” report emphasizes the importance of an open, free, and secure digital future for all individuals. ​ It recognizes the potential of digital technologies to drive social and economic progress, but also acknowledges the challenges and risks associated with them. The report calls for the development of a Global Digital Compact that promotes principles such as universal access to the internet, avoiding internet fragmentation, protecting data privacy, and applying human rights online. ​ It emphasizes the need for inclusive digital cooperation, involving governments, private sector, civil society, and other stakeholders, to ensure that digital technologies benefit everyone and leave no one behind. ​ The report also highlights the importance of digital inclusivity, bridging the digital divide, and ensuring equal access to digital resources and opportunities. It emphasizes the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect individuals and societies from cyber threats and calls for the promotion of digital literacy and digital skills training to empower individuals in the digital age. Overall, the report emphasizes the need for collective action and global cooperation to create an open, free, and secure digital future that benefits all individuals and promotes inclusive and sustainable development. ​

The report recognizes the need for reforms to the international financial architecture to address the challenges and vulnerabilities in the global financial system.​ It emphasizes the importance of sustainable financing for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and calls for greater coordination and cooperation among international financial institutions, regional development banks, and other stakeholders. ​ The report highlights the need to enhance the effectiveness and responsiveness of these institutions, improve governance and decision-making processes, and align financial flows with sustainable development objectives. ​ It also emphasizes the need to address issues of debt sustainability, promote responsible lending and borrowing practices, and ensure fair representation and voice for all member states. The report calls for collective action and cooperation to achieve these reforms and create a more inclusive and resilient global financial system.

The report recognizes the transformative power of education in achieving sustainable development and calls for comprehensive reforms to transform education systems worldwide. ​ It emphasizes the need to provide quality education for all individuals, regardless of their age, gender, or socio-economic background. The report highlights the importance of lifelong learning and skills development to adapt to the changing demands of the future.

To transform education, the report proposes several key actions: ​

  1. Inclusive and equitable education: The report calls for the removal of barriers to education and the promotion of inclusive and equitable education systems. This includes addressing gender disparities, ensuring access to education for marginalized groups, and providing support for learners with disabilities.
  2. Quality education and teacher training: The report emphasizes the need for quality education that equips learners with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for sustainable development. It calls for investments in teacher training and professional development to ensure that educators are equipped to deliver quality education.
  3. Digital transformation: The report recognizes the potential of digital technologies in enhancing access to education and improving learning outcomes. ​ It calls for the integration of digital tools and resources in education systems and the promotion of digital literacy among learners and educators. ​
  4. Transforming curriculum and pedagogy: The report emphasizes the need to update curriculum and pedagogy to align with the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. It calls for a shift towards learner-centered approaches, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
  5. Partnerships and financing: The report highlights the importance of partnerships between governments, civil society, private sector, and international organizations to mobilize resources and support education reforms. It calls for increased financing for education, including domestic investment and international aid.

The report recognizes the importance of youth engagement in shaping the future and calls for meaningful and inclusive participation of young people in decision-making processes at all levels. ​It acknowledges that young people are key stakeholders in achieving sustainable development and emphasizes the need to empower and involve them in policy development, implementation, and evaluation. ​

To enhance youth engagement, the report proposes several key actions:

  1. Removing barriers to political participation: The report calls for the removal of legal and practical barriers that hinder young people’s participation in political processes. ​ This includes lowering the voting age, promoting youth representation in political institutions, and creating platforms for young people to voice their opinions and concerns. ​
  2. Measuring progress and accountability: The report emphasizes the importance of measuring and monitoring progress in youth engagement and ensuring accountability. It calls for the development of indicators and benchmarks to assess the participation and representation of young people in decision-making processes.
  3. Strengthening youth-led organizations and networks: The report highlights the need to support and strengthen youth-led organizations and networks. ​ It calls for increased funding, capacity-building, and mentorship opportunities for young leaders and organizations working on youth issues.
  4. Transforming education and skills training: The report recognizes the role of education and skills training in empowering young people and preparing them for active citizenship. It calls for reforms in education systems to promote critical thinking, civic engagement, and entrepreneurship skills.
  5. Promoting digital engagement: The report acknowledges the importance of digital platforms and technologies in facilitating youth engagement. It calls for the promotion of digital literacy and the creation of online spaces for young people to connect, share ideas, and participate in decision-making processes.
  6. Supporting youth-led initiatives: The report emphasizes the need to support and scale up youth-led initiatives that address social, economic, and environmental challenges. It calls for increased funding, mentorship, and recognition of youth-led projects and innovations.

The concept of “UN 2.0” refers to the need for a revitalized and reformed United Nations that is better equipped to address the complex challenges of the 21st century. ​ It recognizes that the world has changed significantly since the establishment of the United Nations and that the organization needs to adapt and evolve to remain effective and relevant. ​ The “Our Common Agenda” report proposes several key actions to achieve UN 2.0, including strengthening multilateralism, enhancing global governance, promoting partnerships, harnessing digital technologies, strengthening peace and security efforts, and advancing sustainable development. ​ The concept of UN 2.0 reflects the recognition that the United Nations needs to adapt and transform itself to effectively address the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. ​

E. Summit of the Future

The Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to address current and future challenges faced by the world. ​ It was initiated in response to the shared threats of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, technological advances, and stagnation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The summit aims to strengthen global governance, restore trust in multilateralism, and accelerate the implementation of existing commitments while addressing gaps in global governance that have emerged since 2015:

  • The summit is scheduled to take place in September 2024, building on the 2023 SDG Summit. ​Its outcome will be an intergovernmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future. ​ The pact will consist of a chapeau and five chapters focusing on:
    • Sustainable development and financing
    • International peace and security
    • Science, technology and innovation
    • Youth and future generations
    • Transforming global governance
  • The Secretary-General’s proposals for the summit cover a wide range of areas. ​ They include:
    • Accelerating the achievement of each SDG by leveraging digital technologies, 
    • Enhancing international cooperation
    • Addressing inequalities
    • Promoting sustainable finance
    • Advancing gender equality
    • Improving healthcare
    • Ensuring access to clean energy and water
    • Promoting sustainable cities
    • Combating climate change
    • Protecting biodiversity
    • Promoting peace and justice, and strengthening partnerships
  • The proposals also emphasize safeguarding the interests of future generations by avoiding foreseeable harms and representing their interests through an Envoy, a political declaration, and the use of foresight, data, and science to evaluate the future impact of policies and actions. ​
  • Additionally, the proposals aim to manage global shocks through the establishment of a time-bound Emergency Platform that would enhance international responses to complex global challenges.
  • The proposal also prioritizes the meaningful inclusion of young people in decision-making processes through the establishment of national youth consultative bodies, a global standard for meaningful youth engagement, and avenues for youth participation in UN decision-making. ​


The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) emerges as a critical nexus for fostering global collaboration and advancing sustainability and innovation, reflecting a collective commitment outlined in key international documents and the aspirations of civil societies worldwide. GCRI’s inception and evolution are a testament to the power of collaborative action against global challenges, anchored in the foundational principles of international cooperation, sustainability, human rights, and innovation.

Foundation of GCRI: Reflecting Global Resolutions and Legal Mandates

GCRI is deeply rooted in the ethos of several pivotal international frameworks and resolutions, which collectively underscore the imperative for sustainable development, equity, and global cooperation:

  • General Assembly resolution 75/1: Marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, calling for renewed international cooperation to address global challenges.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Affirms the inalienable rights and freedoms of all individuals, underpinning GCRI’s commitment to equity and justice.
  • Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action: Emphasizes the importance of human rights for achieving sustainable development, guiding GCRI’s inclusive agenda.
  • United Nations Convention against Corruption: Highlights the critical role of transparency and accountability, principles central to GCRI’s operations.
  • ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work: Influences GCRI’s focus on promoting sustainable economic growth and decent work for all.
  • Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Inspires GCRI’s dedication to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
  • System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA): Guides GCRI’s approach to integrating environmental data into economic planning and policy.
  • Declaration on the Responsibility of the Present Generations Towards Future Generations: Reinforces GCRI’s commitment to safeguarding the interests of future generations.

GCRI’s Mission in Light of “Our Common Agenda”

The establishment of GCRI aligns with the directives of “Our Common Agenda,” as articulated in General Assembly resolution 75/1, offering a cohesive response to the need for a platform that embodies global plurality in tackling sustainability and innovation:

  • A Unified Platform for Global Collaboration: GCRI stands as a singular platform for engaging diverse global stakeholders in addressing contemporary and future challenges through innovative and sustainable solutions.
  • Advancing the SDGs: Through its initiatives, GCRI actively contributes to accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring that no aspect of human well-being is left behind.
  • Empowering Civil Society: Originating from the World Social Forum in 2016, GCRI underscores the value of civil society collaboration in driving global change, embodying the spirit of inclusivity and collective action.

Key Commitments and Strategic Directions

GCRI embodies the commitments outlined in General Assembly resolution 75/1 through targeted actions and strategic initiatives:

  • Promoting Peace and Preventing Conflicts: GCRI facilitates dialogue and collaboration to build more peaceful and resilient communities.
  • Protecting Our Planet: Through innovation and strategic partnerships, GCRI advances solutions for environmental sustainability and climate action.
  • Ensuring Justice and Upholding International Law: GCRI champions the rule of law and human rights, advocating for equitable and just societies.
  • Empowering Women and Girls: Gender equality is central to GCRI’s mission, promoting women’s participation and leadership in all sectors.
  • Building Trust and Enhancing Digital Cooperation: GCRI aims to improve digital cooperation, ensuring safe and inclusive digital spaces for all.
  • Upgrading the United Nations: By supporting UN reforms and initiatives, GCRI strengthens the capacity of international institutions to respond to global challenges.
  • Engaging Youth: GCRI recognizes the critical role of youth in shaping the future, ensuring their voices are heard and their contributions valued.

The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) represents a forward-thinking response to the call for global cooperation and solidarity, as outlined in General Assembly resolution 75/1 and reflected in the broader framework of international resolutions and commitments. Through its comprehensive approach to sustainability, innovation, and equity, GCRI stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for transformative change, driving the agenda for a sustainable and inclusive global community.

Strategic Focus Areas:


Our mission is to create a unique nexus where civil society meets and engages the academy, industry, and government to collectively mitigate risks and make smarter decisions toward more resilient, democratic, and prosperous communities. As a centre of excellence, GCRI excels in research, innovation, and capacity building across enterprise risk and innovation management, addressing the societal impacts of technological disruptions and financial evolution. Uniting experts from economics, finance, policy, and technology, we are committed to building interdisciplinary tools, capacities, and communities for risk mitigation, resilience building, and sustainable development


Operating as an international non-profit research and innovation institute, GCRI’s mission spans the execution of groundbreaking research in risk evaluation and mitigation, cutting-edge technologies for risk management, security, safety and privacy, resilience and sustainability. The Center’s initiatives are aimed at enhancing international norms, frameworks and standards in risk management across a diverse array of industries and sectors:

  1. Global Knowledge Exchange and Collaborative Platforms: Serving as a preeminent international platform for the rigorous examination and discourse on the interdisciplinary dimensions of science, technology, and their societal impacts, particularly within the contexts of risk and resilience. The initiative is dedicated to facilitating the synthesis and dissemination of pioneering research and applied knowledge. It endeavors to create a synergistic environment that brings together academics, practitioners, policymakers, and communities across the globe, with the objective of driving forward sustainable development through collaborative efforts.
  2. Standardization and Metrology in Risk and Innovation: Supporting the development and implementation of fundamental standards and metrological practices tailored to risk management and sustainable innovation. By defining and promoting these standards, it aims to enhance the accuracy, reliability, and standardization of risk measurement and evaluation methods internationally. Consequently, this contributes to the improvement of risk management strategies’ interoperability and effectiveness.
  3. Guidance on International and National Standards Development: Providing expert guidance in the development and application of international and national standards within the domain of risk management and planetary integrity. This advisory role is informed by a profound comprehension of the intricate relationship between theoretical concepts and practical implementations in risk management, security, safety, resilience and sustainability. It seeks to encourage the integration of best practices and innovative solutions within policy and organizational structures.
  4. Scholarly, Industry and Policy Publications: Meticulous preparation and dissemination of standards, reports, and scholarly articles, contributing significantly to the academic and practical discourse at the intersection of science, technology, and society in the realm of risk management. These publications are invaluable resources for the academic community, industry stakeholders, and policymakers, promoting the spread of knowledge and stimulating informed discussions on the evolving challenges and prospects in risk management.
  5. Liaison and Technical Interaction with Global Entities: Facilitating civil society engagement and maintains strong connections and technical interactions with other international entities involved in science, technology, standardization, and innovation within the field of risk management. This underscores GCRI’s dedication to fostering a unified and collaborative international approach to addressing the challenges associated with risk management.
  6. Advanced Study of Fundamental and Applied Domains: Investigation of core and applied subjects and their intersections with breakthrough technologies. This includes the study of both natural and human-induced risks and disasters, as well as applied research areas that leverage data analysis, the deployment of technology in risk assessment, and the development of advanced tools for risk intelligence, early warning systems, and emergency management protocols.


  • Open Dialogue: Creating a worldwide forum for open and inclusive discussions on current risk management, security, safety and sustainable innovation issues.
  • Educational and Scientific Initiatives: Hosting educational events such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to spread the latest findings and solutions in risk management and innovation.
  • Collaborative Engagements: Facilitating GCRI Sessions and Midterm Meetings as opportunities for collaboration, networking, and idea exchange among experts, academics, and decision-makers.
  • Technological Advancements: Spearheading the development of open-source tools and technologies for global risk reduction, including state-of-the-art compliance, conformity, risks, and impact assessment infrastructures.
  • Normative Development: Crafting participatory methods for creating standards and normative frameworks in risk management and global governance, with a focus on inclusive and equitable stakeholder involvement.
  • Research and Publications: Generating and disseminating groundbreaking research and analyses on risk management, integrating advanced identifiers to promote recognition and access in accordance with international standards.
  • Governance Innovations: Proposing and supporting innovative, cooperative solutions at the global governance level to tackle complex issues.
  • Standards Collaboration: Collaborating with international standards organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), and national accreditation agencies, to enhance and develop standards.


Funding mechanisms serve as the lifeblood of GCRI’s operations and is pivotal in driving the Center’s expansive agenda. From a financial perspective, the diversity and sustainability of funding sources are not merely beneficial but essential for several strategic reasons:

  1. Resource Allocation Flexibility: Diverse funding streams enable GCRI to allocate resources more flexibly and responsively. This is crucial in a landscape where global risks evolve rapidly and require immediate and effective responses. Diversified funding ensures that GCRI can maintain operational readiness and adapt to emergent challenges without being financially constrained.
  2. Sustaining Long-term Initiatives: Many of GCRI’s projects, particularly those in research and development, require long-term investment that might not yield immediate financial returns. Sustainable funding sources, such as endowments and multi-year grants, provide a steady income stream that supports these prolonged engagements and drives continuous innovation.
  3. Enhancing Credibility and Stability: A robust financial foundation enhances GCRI’s credibility among stakeholders, including international bodies, governments, and private sector partners. Financial stability, underpinned by diverse funding sources, positions GCRI as a reliable and enduring partner in global risk mitigation efforts, facilitating better negotiation positions and more strategic partnerships.
  4. Risk Mitigation: Financial risk is an inherent concern for any global organization. By diversifying funding sources, GCRI mitigates the risks associated with financial dependencies. This is crucial in avoiding scenarios where changes in policy, economic downturns, or shifts in donor priorities could jeopardize ongoing projects and operations.
  5. Leveraging Financial Instruments: Understanding and leveraging various financial instruments and models—such as bonds, endowment funds, and structured finance—can enhance funding strategies. For example, ‘green bonds’ could be utilized to fund sustainability projects, tapping into the growing market for environmentally focused investments.
  6. Encouraging Innovation and Entrepreneurship: With secure funding, GCRI can invest in cutting-edge research and entrepreneurial ventures within the nexus of science and technology. This not only drives innovation but also creates new revenue streams through patents, licenses, and commercial partnerships.

Membership Dues

Membership fees and dues are regular financial contributions made by entities that are members of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI). These fees are structured based on several criteria, including the size of the member entity, its economic capacity, and its level of engagement with GCRI initiatives. This structured approach ensures equity and fairness, allowing entities from diverse economic backgrounds to contribute in a manner proportionate to their capabilities.

The primary purpose of these fees is to establish a stable and predictable financial base for GCRI. This stability is critical for several reasons:

  1. Operational Continuity: Regular membership dues provide a consistent stream of revenue that supports the day-to-day operations of GCRI. This includes administrative costs, salaries, and the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure necessary for ongoing projects and research activities.
  2. Financial Autonomy: By relying on membership fees as a foundational source of funding, GCRI enhances its financial autonomy. This reduces dependence on external funding sources such as government grants and private donations, which can be variable and influenced by external economic factors.
  3. Resource Allocation: Stable funding from membership dues allows for strategic allocation of resources across various long-term projects. It enables GCRI to plan and execute its initiatives with confidence, knowing that essential funding is secured.
  4. Engagement and Commitment: The collection of membership fees underscores a mutual commitment between GCRI and its members. By contributing financially, members are investing in the collective mission of the organization, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the success of its initiatives.
  5. Enhancing Capabilities: Membership fees contribute to a fund that can be allocated specifically for capacity building. This includes training programs, workshops, and conferences that enhance the professional development of members’ personnel and strengthen the overall competency in global risk management and innovation.

Factors Influencing Fee Calculation

GCRI maintains transparency in its fee calculation process by providing each member with a detailed breakdown of how their fees are computed. Additionally, the fee structure is reviewed annually to adapt to changes in the global economic landscape and the evolving needs of member entities. This ensures that the membership fees remain fair, proportional, and aligned with the current realities and benefits associated with GCRI membership.

  1. Size of the Member Entity:
    • Large Entities: Larger organizations with more extensive operational capacities and broader geographic reach are generally assessed higher fees. This is based on their greater potential to benefit from GCRI’s global network and initiatives.
    • Small and Medium Entities: Smaller entities are assessed more modest fees, recognizing their limited financial capacity but ensuring their active participation and access to GCRI’s benefits.
  2. Economic Status:
    • High-Income Members: Entities from high-income regions are expected to contribute more, reflecting their greater economic capacity to fund global initiatives.
    • Low to Middle-Income Members: Adjusted fee scales are applied to members from low to middle-income regions to ensure affordability and equitable access to all GCRI services and benefits.
  3. Risk Profile:
    • High-Risk Exposure: Entities that operate in high-risk environments or sectors that directly benefit from risk mitigation research and innovations may incur higher fees. This reflects the direct benefits received from GCRI’s research and emergency preparedness strategies.
    • Low-Risk Exposure: Entities with less direct exposure to global risks might contribute less, but still benefit from general membership and the stability provided by a well-funded GCRI.

Calculation Methodology

  • Base Fee: Each member entity starts with a base fee, which is determined by the primary category into which the entity falls (e.g., size or economic status).
  • Adjustment Factors: Adjustments are made based on additional criteria such as the risk profile and specific engagement with GCRI projects. These adjustments are calculated as percentages that increase or decrease the base fee.
  • Benefit-Scaled Pricing: Fees are also scaled based on the assessed benefit to the member from GCRI’s initiatives. This involves evaluating how the member utilizes GCRI resources and the extent to which they engage with and contribute to GCRI programs.

National Grants

The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) actively secures funding from national government bodies to support its wide array of initiatives focused on risk management, innovation, and sustainable development. These grants are pivotal in advancing GCRI’s mission, as they provide substantial resources aligned with the public interest and global security.

  1. Alignment with Public Policy Goals:
    • GCRI ensures its initiatives align with the public policy goals of potential donor countries. This involves conducting thorough research and ongoing dialogues with policy makers to understand national priorities in areas such as technology, environment, public health, and international cooperation.
    • The projects proposed for funding are designed to directly contribute to achieving these national goals, thus enhancing the appeal of GCRI’s initiatives to government grant programs.
  2. Grant Application Process:
    • Preparation: GCRI prepares grant proposals that detail the objectives, expected outcomes, and societal benefits of its initiatives. These proposals are supported by data and evidence of past success, demonstrating GCRI’s capacity to deliver meaningful impact.
    • Submission: Proposals are submitted in accordance with the specific requirements and deadlines of each national grant program. GCRI often engages experts in grant writing and legal compliance to ensure each proposal meets all necessary criteria.
    • Review and Adjustment: Feedback from grant agencies is used to refine and adjust proposals, enhancing their alignment with national interests and increasing their likelihood of approval.
  3. Leveraging Expertise and Partnerships:
    • GCRI collaborates with academic institutions, industry leaders, and other NGOs to bolster its grant applications. These partnerships demonstrate broad-based support and an interdisciplinary approach to tackling global challenges, which is often a key criterion for funding.
    • Expert endorsements and collaborative frameworks within grant proposals highlight GCRI’s capacity to manage and execute complex projects involving multiple stakeholders.
  4. Government Relations and Advocacy:
    • GCRI maintains active communication channels with governmental agencies and officials to stay informed about funding opportunities and legislative changes that may affect grant availability.
    • Through advocacy and engagement activities, GCRI positions itself as a thought leader and key contributor to national and international policy discussions. This visibility increases its credibility and the trust that government bodies place in its initiatives.
  5. Transparent Reporting and Accountability:
    • Once a grant is secured, GCRI adheres to strict reporting guidelines to ensure transparency about how funds are used. Regular updates, project evaluations, and financial audits are provided to the funding bodies, demonstrating accountability and the effective use of public funds.
    • Success stories and impact reports are disseminated to show the tangible benefits derived from the funded projects, reinforcing the value of government investment in GCRI’s work.

International Grants

International grants play a crucial role in the financial ecosystem of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI), supporting its initiatives globally. These grants are sourced from international bodies, foreign governments, and multilateral organizations, aimed at advancing specific projects or bolstering general operations that align with global security, sustainability, and innovation goals.

  1. Identification of Funding Sources:
    • Global Bodies and Organizations: GCRI targets grants from international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and various regional development banks that focus on international development, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation.
    • Foreign Governments: Funding is also sought from foreign governments that have strategic interests in promoting global stability and innovation, particularly those that benefit from enhanced global risk management and cooperative international research.
  2. Grant Application Strategy:
    • Alignment with International Goals: GCRI aligns its project proposals with the strategic goals and priorities of the potential international funding bodies. This includes detailed alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), international security protocols, and global health initiatives.
    • Comprehensive Proposals: Proposals are crafted to meet the high standards of international bodies, detailing project scopes, anticipated impacts, and implementation frameworks. They include rigorous risk assessments and sustainability evaluations to meet international criteria.
    • Multilateral Cooperation: Proposals often highlight GCRI’s role in fostering multilateral cooperation and its ability to execute projects that involve multiple countries and diverse international stakeholders.
  3. Engagement and Networking:
    • Diplomatic Engagement: GCRI actively engages in diplomatic activities and international conferences to network with potential funders and understand their funding landscapes. This involves presenting ongoing research and past successes to showcase GCRI’s capabilities and align them with global funding opportunities.
    • Partnerships and Collaborations: By forming partnerships with other international NGOs, research institutions, and private sector entities, GCRI strengthens its grant applications and demonstrates wide-reaching support and enhanced capacity for project execution.
  4. Compliance and Reporting:
    • Adherence to International Standards: GCRI ensures that all its activities and projects comply with international legal and ethical standards, which is crucial for securing and maintaining funding from global bodies.
    • Transparent Reporting: Regular and transparent reporting on project progress and financial expenditures is crucial. GCRI provides detailed reports and audits to funders to ensure continued trust and support.
  5. Leveraging Expertise:
    • Utilization of Subject Matter Experts: Proposals and project designs often incorporate insights from subject matter experts in fields relevant to the grant’s focus, such as climate science, public health, and cybersecurity, to enhance the proposal’s credibility and relevance.


Fundraising campaigns at the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) are strategic initiatives designed to secure essential funding for both specific projects and broader operational needs. These campaigns are crucial in supplementing our primary funding sources, allowing GCRI to expand its impact and reach across global risk management and innovation fields.

Strategy and Execution

  1. Campaign Planning:
    • Goal Setting: Each campaign begins with clear, measurable goals aligned with GCRI’s strategic objectives.
    • Target Audience Identification: Understanding who to reach out to, including corporations, philanthropists, the general public, or specific interest groups, is crucial for tailoring campaign messages.
  2. Campaign Design:
    • Theme Development: Themes are developed based on the campaign’s focus area, whether it’s for environmental sustainability, technological advancements, or educational initiatives.
    • Material Creation: Marketing materials, digital content, and event plans are crafted to resonate with the target audience, communicating both needs and impacts effectively.
  3. Multichannel Promotion:
    • Digital Marketing: Utilizing social media, email newsletters, and online advertising to reach a broad audience.
    • Events and Galas: Hosting fundraising events, galas, and talks that not only raise funds but also increase awareness of GCRI’s mission.
  4. Community Engagement:
    • Engaging with the community through workshops, seminars, and public forums to raise awareness and foster a sense of shared purpose.
  5. Monitoring and Adjustment:
    • Continuous monitoring of the campaign’s progress allows for real-time adjustments to strategies, enhancing effectiveness and reach.

Community Engagement

  1. Stakeholder Involvement: Involving key stakeholders, including members, partner NGOs, and community leaders, in campaign planning and execution to leverage their networks and influence.
  2. Public Engagement: Engaging the wider public through interactive campaigns, community challenges, and participation incentives to foster broader community involvement and ownership.
  3. Transparency and Reporting: Providing regular updates on the campaign’s progress and financial transparency, detailing how funds are being used and the impact they are having.

Impact and Measurement

  1. Performance Metrics: Utilizing advanced analytics to measure the effectiveness of campaign strategies, adjusting tactics as needed to maximize outcomes.
  2. Impact Reporting: Post-campaign reports that detail the achievements against goals, the financial health of the campaign, and the direct impact of the funds raised.

Long-term Engagement

  1. Sustained Relationships: Developing long-term relationships with donors and participants by offering regular updates on GCRI’s ongoing projects and the continuous impact of their contributions.
  2. Recognition Programs: Implementing donor recognition programs to acknowledge and appreciate significant contributions, fostering ongoing support and loyalty.

Community engagement is not just about raising awareness; it’s a strategic approach to building a broad-based support network that contributes both ideationally and financially to GCRI’s initiatives.

Importance of Community Engagement

  1. Awareness and Education:
    • Informing the Public: Community engagement initiatives serve to educate the public about the importance of risk management and innovation in securing a sustainable future. By raising awareness, GCRI ensures that global challenges are understood and prioritized by the community.
    • Promoting Understanding: These efforts help demystify complex global issues like climate change, technological disruption, and geopolitical risks, making them more relatable and actionable for the general public.
  2. Building Support Networks:
    • Volunteer Recruitment: Engaging communities provides a pool of volunteers who are crucial for grassroots movements and local project implementations. These individuals contribute their time and skills, reducing operational costs and enhancing project impacts.
    • Advocacy and Ambassadors: Well-informed community members often become advocates and ambassadors for GCRI, spreading the word further and recruiting more supporters and donors.
  3. Enhancing Fundraising:
    • Broadening Donor Bases: Community engagement helps diversify and expand the donor base. Engaged communities are more likely to contribute financially and encourage others to do the same, increasing the reach and effectiveness of fundraising campaigns.
    • Sustaining Contributions: Ongoing community interaction fosters a deeper commitment, turning one-time donors into long-term supporters, crucial for sustaining projects and research over time.

Educational Programs

Educational programs at GCRI are multifaceted tools that extend beyond mere knowledge dissemination—they are critical financial pillars that support the center’s operations and strategic initiatives. By investing in the development and expansion of these programs, GCRI enhances its funding capabilities and strengthens its role as a leader in educating and preparing global actors to better manage risks and drive innovation. These programs are designed to educate and train individuals and organizations on various aspects of risk management and innovation but also to serve as a vital revenue stream that supports the center’s broader mission.

  1. Revenue Generation:
    • Tuition and Fees: GCRI charges fees for participation in its educational offerings. These fees vary depending on the program’s length, complexity, and target audience, providing a direct and consistent source of income.
    • Specialized Workshops and Certifications: Higher-priced, specialized training sessions and certification programs offer in-depth knowledge and skills, attracting professionals and organizations willing to invest in high-quality education.
  2. Resource Allocation:
    • Direct Funding: The revenue generated from educational programs is allocated directly to funding GCRI’s day-to-day operations, including administrative costs, facility maintenance, and staff salaries.
    • Reinvestment: A portion of the income is reinvested into developing new courses and improving existing programs, ensuring that the educational offerings remain current and effective.
  3. Capacity Building:
    • Skill Development: Participants gain critical skills in risk assessment, crisis management, and sustainable innovation, enhancing their professional capabilities and the capacities of their respective organizations.
    • Knowledge Dissemination: Through attendees and their networks, valuable knowledge about global risks and innovative solutions is spread, multiplying GCRI’s impact beyond direct participants.
  4. Networking and Collaboration:
    • Building Professional Networks: Courses and seminars serve as networking platforms, connecting like-minded professionals and fostering collaborations that can lead to new projects and initiatives.
    • Partnerships with Academia and Industry: GCRI often collaborates with universities and industry leaders to offer these programs, which can lead to partnerships that extend beyond education into joint research and development.
  5. Public Engagement and Advocacy:
    • Raising Awareness: Educational programs help raise awareness about the importance of risk management and innovation in a structured learning environment.
    • Advocacy for Policy Change: Equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to advocate for policy changes in their own regions or sectors, furthering GCRI’s mission on a broader scale.

Consulting Services

The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) leverages its expertise in risk management, security, and sustainability to offer specialized consulting services. These services cater to a diverse clientele, including government agencies, private companies, and non-governmental organizations, providing tailored solutions that address specific challenges related to global risks and innovative practices.

  • Expertise Utilization: GCRI’s team of experts utilizes cutting-edge research and industry-leading practices to offer advice and implementable solutions.
  • Customized Solutions: Services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ranging from risk assessment frameworks and crisis response strategies to sustainable development and technological implementation plans.
  1. Revenue Generation:
    • Service Fees: GCRI charges fees for consulting services based on the scope and complexity of the project. These fees are a significant source of direct revenue, contributing to the financial stability of the center.
    • Long-term Engagements: Multi-phase projects and ongoing advisory roles provide sustained income over longer periods, enhancing financial predictability.
  2. Resource Allocation:
    • Direct Support: The revenue from consulting services directly supports GCRI’s core research and operational expenses, including staffing, technology upgrades, and infrastructure development.
    • Cross-Funding: Surplus funds from profitable consulting projects can be redirected to support other areas of GCRI’s work, such as educational programs or public awareness campaigns.
  3. Industry Influence:
    • Policy Impact: Consulting projects often involve collaboration with policymakers, giving GCRI a platform to influence public policies and strategies related to global risk management.
    • Sector-Specific Solutions: Engagements with industry clients help tailor risk management solutions to specific sectors, increasing the relevance and applicability of GCRI’s research.
  4. Reputation and Credibility:
    • Showcasing Expertise: Successful consulting projects demonstrate GCRI’s capabilities and results, enhancing its reputation as a leader in the field.
    • Client Testimonials: Satisfied clients provide testimonials and case studies that GCRI can use for marketing and to attract new consulting opportunities.
  5. Network Expansion:
    • Strategic Partnerships: Consulting engagements often lead to long-term partnerships with clients and other stakeholders, expanding GCRI’s professional network.
    • Collaborative Opportunities: Through consulting, GCRI can identify and develop opportunities for joint ventures and collaborative research projects.

Products and Services

The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) offers a range of products and business services that are integral to its operational strategy and financial sustainability. These offerings are designed to leverage GCRI’s research and technology developments in the areas of risk management, security, and sustainability.

  1. Software Licenses:
    • Risk Management Tools: Customizable software solutions that help organizations assess and mitigate various types of risks.
    • Security Systems: Advanced security software that includes threat detection, analysis, and response capabilities.
  2. Technology Solutions:
    • IoT Solutions: Devices and systems designed to enhance infrastructure resilience through real-time data collection and analysis.
    • AI and Machine Learning Models: Algorithms tailored for predictive analytics in fields such as environmental monitoring and financial risk assessment.
  3. Virtual Platforms:
    • Cloud Services: Secure cloud storage and computing services that facilitate large-scale data management and collaboration.
    • Virtual Collaboration Tools: Platforms that support remote teamwork and project management, crucial in today’s distributed work environments.
  4. Integrated Solutions:
    • Quantum Computing Applications: Cutting-edge applications in quantum computing for solving complex problems faster than traditional computers.
    • Sustainable Technology Packages: Solutions that combine multiple technologies to support sustainable practices in industries like manufacturing and agriculture.
  5. Direct Financial Impact:
    • Steady Revenue Stream: Sales from products and business services provide a consistent revenue stream that supports the core activities and strategic initiatives of GCRI.
    • Resource Allocation: Funds from product sales and services are allocated to research and development, enhancing GCRI’s capacity to innovate further.
  6. Strategic Reinforcement:
    • Reinvestment in Innovation: Revenue is reinvested into developing new technologies and improving existing products, which drives continuous improvement and keeps GCRI at the forefront of technological advancements.
    • Financial Autonomy: By generating its own income, GCRI reduces its dependence on external funding, providing greater stability and control over its projects.
  7. Market Presence and Branding:
    • Visibility and Credibility: Successful products and services enhance GCRI’s market presence and credibility, attracting more clients and partners.
    • Showcase of Expertise: By offering high-quality products and services, GCRI demonstrates its expertise and thought leadership in the industry, which can lead to additional collaborative and funding opportunities.
  8. Scalability and Impact:
    • Global Reach: Products like software licenses have the potential for global distribution, extending GCRI’s impact beyond its immediate geographical area.
    • Scalable Solutions: Business services cater to a range of clients, from small NGOs to large corporations, ensuring that the solutions developed by GCRI are versatile and scalable across different sectors and sizes.


Collaborative projects at GCRI expand the Center’s reach and effectiveness in its mission-driven activities and strengthen the financial sustainability and resource optimization of these initiatives. By strategically structuring financial contributions and maintaining robust oversight, GCRI and its partners ensure that these collaborative efforts achieve their intended outcomes and create lasting impacts on global challenges.

Examples of Joint Initiatives

  1. Climate Resilience Network:
    • Partners: Environmental NGOs and research institutions worldwide.
    • Objective: To develop and implement innovative solutions that enhance climate resilience in vulnerable communities.
    • Outcome: Deployment of sustainable technologies and community training programs that improve local adaptability to climate change.
  2. Global Health Security Consortium:
    • Partners: Health-focused NGOs and international health bodies.
    • Objective: To strengthen global health systems and improve outbreak preparedness and response.
    • Outcome: Creation and dissemination of health monitoring tools and establishment of rapid response teams.
  3. Urban Sustainability Alliance:
    • Partners: Urban planning NGOs and technology companies.
    • Objective: To promote sustainable urban development through smart city solutions.
    • Outcome: Integration of IoT and AI technologies in city infrastructure to optimize energy use, reduce waste, and improve quality of life.
  4. Shared Funding Model:
    • Mechanism: Both GCRI and partner NGOs contribute financially to the project’s budget based on a pre-agreed formula that considers each organization’s size, financial health, and strategic priorities.
    • Benefits: This model promotes a sense of ownership and commitment to the project’s success from all parties involved.
  5. Grant-Based Funding:
    • Mechanism: Joint applications for grants from governments, international bodies, or private foundations that are interested in funding collaborative efforts in specific areas such as environmental conservation or public health.
    • Benefits: Grants often provide substantial funding that covers extensive project costs, allowing for broader scope and impact without overstraining any single organization’s resources.
  6. In-Kind Contributions:
    • Mechanism: Partners may contribute resources other than money, such as personnel, expertise, technology, or facilities.
    • Benefits: In-kind contributions can significantly reduce the cash burden on collaborating entities and enhance the combined capabilities of the partnership.
  7. Revenue Sharing from Project Outputs:
    • Mechanism: Any revenue generated from project outcomes (e.g., licensing technology developed during the project, selling data or reports) is shared among partners according to predefined percentages.
    • Benefits: This approach provides a financial incentive for all partners to maximize the project’s success and sustainability.

Enhanced Resource Utilization: Collaborative financial partnerships enable GCRI and its partner organizations to pool their resources, leading to more efficient use of funds. This synergy allows for the consolidation of expertise, technology, and financial resources, which can significantly amplify the scope and scale of projects. By combining assets, partner entities can undertake larger, more ambitious initiatives that may be beyond the reach of individual organizations due to cost constraints.

Increased Impact and Reach: Financial collaborations extend the impact of projects by leveraging the unique strengths and networks of each partner. This collaborative approach ensures that initiatives have a broader geographic reach and a deeper influence within target communities. For instance, joining forces with local NGOs can provide GCRI with better insights into the local context and cultural nuances, leading to more effective and culturally sensitive implementations of global initiatives.

Risk Sharing: In financial collaborations, the associated risks of new projects—such as financial, operational, or reputational risks—are shared among the partners. This shared risk model encourages more organizations to engage in innovative and potentially high-risk projects, knowing that the burden and consequences of any setbacks are mitigated by the partnership. It also fosters a collaborative environment where partners are motivated to work closely to manage and minimize risks.

Access to Additional Funding Opportunities: Partnerships can open doors to funding opportunities that require or favor collaborative efforts, such as grants from international development agencies, governments, and large foundations that specifically fund consortia. These funding sources often provide larger grants than those available to single organizations, acknowledging the potential for greater impact through partnerships.

Sustainability and Continuity: Financial collaborations can enhance the sustainability of initiatives by ensuring a steady flow of resources and support. Partnerships often lead to long-term commitments from the involved parties, which help stabilize funding over time and ensure the continuity of projects. This continuity is critical for achieving lasting change, especially in areas such as environmental sustainability, health, and education, where long-term interventions are necessary.

Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange: Collaborative financial structures support capacity building by allowing entities to learn from each other’s experiences and best practices. This exchange of knowledge boosts the overall competence of each partner, enhancing their capacity to plan, execute, and scale projects effectively. It also fosters innovation as partners share insights and technologies that could lead to new solutions and methodologies.

Enhanced Credibility and Trust: Collaborating with reputable partners can enhance an organization’s credibility and public trust. Partnerships with well-known NGOs or government bodies can serve as endorsements of GCRI’s initiatives, boosting its reputation and supporting its public and private fundraising efforts.


Corporate sponsorships are not only about financial contributions but also about building mutually beneficial relationships that advance the goals of both GCRI and the sponsoring corporations. By aligning with corporations that share similar values and objectives, GCRI enhances its capabilities, extends its impact, and secures a vital source of funding that supports its mission to tackle global risks through innovation and collaboration. These partnerships involve collaboration with corporations that share GCRI’s commitment to risk management, sustainability, and innovation.

  • Identifying Prospective Partners: GCRI targets companies whose corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals align with GCRI’s mission. This could include sectors like technology, finance, environmental services, and others focused on sustainability and risk management.
  • Value Proposition: GCRI presents a compelling value proposition to potential corporate sponsors, highlighting the mutual benefits such as enhanced corporate image, employee engagement opportunities, and alignment with global sustainability goals.
  • Customized Proposals: GCRI prepares tailored sponsorship packages that outline the specific benefits for the corporation, such as branding opportunities, access to research and data, and involvement in high-profile projects.
  • Networking and Relationship Building: Regular participation in industry conferences, business forums, and other events where potential corporate sponsors gather. GCRI uses these opportunities to network, present its work, and initiate sponsorship discussions.
  • Cash Contributions: Corporations can provide direct financial support that helps fund GCRI’s ongoing projects and operational needs.
  • Matching Gifts Programs: Corporations can match the donations their employees make to GCRI, effectively doubling the financial contributions and fostering a culture of philanthropy within the company.
  • Technology and Equipment: Companies may provide technology solutions, equipment, or services that support GCRI’s research and operational activities, reducing costs and enhancing capabilities.
  • Expertise and Services: Access to corporate expertise in areas like marketing, legal, and technology can be invaluable for project support and organizational development.
  • Co-Branded Marketing Initiatives: Corporate sponsorships often include co-branded marketing efforts that can increase visibility and credibility for both GCRI and the corporation in various markets.
  • Event Sponsorship: Corporations may sponsor events organized by GCRI, providing funds for these events in exchange for significant branding opportunities.
  • Sustainable Funding Stream: Long-term partnerships with corporations can provide a sustainable funding stream, allowing GCRI to plan and execute long-range projects with greater financial confidence.
  • Collaborative Projects and Innovation: These partnerships can lead to joint research initiatives or development projects that combine the strengths of GCRI and the corporate partner, leading to innovative solutions and shared intellectual property.


GCRI’s organizational structure and operational mechanisms are intricately designed to foster a collaborative, innovative, and resilient approach to global risk mitigation and sustainable development. Through its comprehensive model, GCRI not only addresses the immediate challenges of today but also lays the groundwork for a more secure, sustainable, and inclusive future.

Organizational Structure

  • Nexus Standards Foundation (NSF): Acts as the grant-making body dedicated to advancing Nexus Standards and fostering the development of the Nexus Ecosystem. It ensures that technological advancements and digital infrastructures align with global risk mitigation efforts.
  • National Working Groups (NWGs): Operate as legal Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) under GCRI’s umbrella, embodying the Quintuple Helix model by incorporating academia, industry, government, civil society, and environmental perspectives. NWGs play a crucial role in localizing GCRI’s mission, adapting global objectives to national contexts, and acting as validators in the blockchain ecosystem for standards development.
  • Competence Cells: Serve as regenerative R&D units tasked with building national capacities in standards, solutions, and policy development. Competence Cells facilitate the operationalization of GCRI’s strategies at local levels, driving innovation and solution development within the Nexus Ecosystem.
  • Nexus Accelerators: Represent open-source software packages utilized by NWGs and Competence Cells to rapidly prototype, inspect, assess, and develop standards. These accelerators expedite participation in research, development, and policy formation concerning risk management and resilience building.
  • Global Risk Alliance (GRA): A consortium responsible for the commercialization of solutions developed within the Nexus Ecosystem. GRA ensures that these solutions are scalable, market-ready, and aligned with Nexus Standards, thereby maximizing their global impact.

Operational Mechanisms

  • Collaborative Innovation and Standard Setting: Leveraging the collaborative platforms provided by the Quintuple Helix model, GCRI engages various stakeholders in the co-creation of innovative solutions and the setting of global standards. This process is facilitated through a combination of physical and digital collaborative spaces, workshops, and forums that encourage cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary participation.
  • Blockchain Validation and Governance: Through the integration of blockchain technology, GCRI ensures transparency, integrity, and security in the development and validation of standards. NWGs, acting as DAOs, participate in the governance model by validating standards and solutions, thereby ensuring their credibility and alignment with global objectives.
  • Accelerated Development with Nexus Accelerators: GCRI deploys Nexus Accelerators as strategic tools to speed up the development and implementation of solutions across various sectors. These accelerators enable rapid prototyping, ensuring that innovative solutions can be quickly tested, refined, and scaled.
  • Commercialization through GRA: The Global Risk Alliance (GRA) plays a pivotal role in transitioning innovative solutions from concept to market. By identifying commercialization pathways, securing partnerships, and facilitating market entry, GRA ensures that GCRI’s innovations achieve maximum reach and impact.
  • Policy Influence and Global Advocacy: GCRI actively engages with policymakers and international organizations to advocate for the integration of its research findings and innovations into global and national policy frameworks. This involves the dissemination of policy briefs, participation in international forums, and direct engagement with government bodies.
  • Capacity Building and Education: Recognizing the importance of knowledge dissemination, GCRI conducts educational programs, training sessions, and workshops aimed at building the capacities of stakeholders across the Quintuple Helix. These initiatives ensure that all participants are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute effectively to GCRI’s mission.


The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) has strategically positioned its National Working Groups (NWGs) as pivotal mechanisms within the framework of the Earth Cooperation Treaty (ECT) to address global challenges through planetary nexus governance. This structured approach to NWGs aligns perfectly with the multifaceted challenges addressed by the ECT, such as climate change, digital security, and sustainable development, offering a robust model for countries to engage with and become signatories to the ECT.

Preparation Phase

Consortium Agreement and Commitment Pledging

  • Initial Engagement and Alignment: The process begins with a meticulous stakeholder mapping to identify key actors from academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environmental sectors. Each potential partner’s strategic importance, capacity for impact, and alignment with the GCRI’s mission are assessed.
  • Development of a Consortium Agreement: A formal consortium agreement is drafted, detailing the governance structure, roles, responsibilities, and contributions of each partner. This agreement also integrates compliance with the ECT’s principles and GCRI’s global standards.
  • Commitment Pledging: Before any financial engagements are made, each quintuple helix partner is required to sign and pledge commitment to the consortium agreement. This ensures that all parties are legally and ethically bound to contribute towards the shared objectives of collective security and sustainability under the ECT.

Activation Phase

Official Launch and Funding Activation

  • Launch at a High-Visibility Summit: The NWG is officially launched at a high-profile event such as the Summit of the Future. This launch serves as a platform to announce the commitment of all partners and to showcase the strategic intent and expected outcomes of the consortium.
  • Activation of Funding Mechanisms: Post-launch, once all commitments are secured and documented, the funding mechanisms are activated. The funds are allocated based on a predefined formula that considers the strategic inputs and expected outputs of each partner, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Implementation Phase

Project Execution and Oversight

  • Project Initiation and Management: With funding channels open, the NWG initiates projects aligned with the predefined strategic goals. These projects are monitored using a set of performance metrics agreed upon by all partners.
  • Capacity Building and Resource Allocation: Extensive capacity-building efforts are undertaken to ensure that all partners are equipped to meet their project commitments. This includes training programs, workshops, and continuous professional development tailored to the specific needs of the NWG.

Scaling Phase

Monitoring, Reporting, and Scaling

  • Regular Monitoring and Evaluation: The NWG establishes a rigorous monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the impact and efficiency of ongoing projects. This framework helps identify areas of success and aspects needing improvement.
  • Annual Reporting and Feedback Integration: An annual report is prepared, detailing the consortium’s achievements, challenges, and financial expenditures. This report is shared with all stakeholders to maintain transparency and foster trust.
  • Strategic Scaling: Successful initiatives are identified for scaling, both nationally and potentially internationally. Scaling strategies are developed based on the lessons learned and the effective practices identified during the implementation phase.

Ongoing Adaptation

Continuous Improvement and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Adaptive Strategic Planning: The consortium continually adapts its strategies in response to new challenges and opportunities. This adaptive approach is supported by regular strategic reviews and planning sessions.
  • Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: The consortium fosters an environment of continuous engagement, where regular webinars and interactive sessions at host institutions build momentum and strengthen partnerships.


Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

GCRI’s NWGs are structured around the quintuple helix model, incorporating academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environmental sector. This multi-disciplinary collaboration is crucial for tackling the complex and interconnected challenges that the ECT aims to address. By engaging diverse stakeholders, NWGs are able to foster innovative solutions that are both inclusive and comprehensive, ensuring that all facets of society are considered in the development and implementation of strategies.

Localization of Global Objectives

One of the primary strengths of GCRI’s NWGs is their ability to adapt global objectives to local realities. Each NWG operates within a specific national or regional context, tailoring global standards and initiatives to local needs and capacities. This localization ensures that the strategies developed are not only globally informed but also locally applicable and sustainable, which is essential for the successful implementation of the ECT’s goals.

Capacity Building and Empowerment

Through the NWGs, GCRI places a strong emphasis on capacity building and empowerment. By providing training, resources, and support, GCRI empowers local entities to actively participate in and contribute to global governance frameworks. This approach not only enhances local capabilities but also ensures that countries have the necessary skills and knowledge to engage with and uphold the principles of the ECT.

Standard Development and Policy Influence

NWGs play a critical role in the development and dissemination of Nexus Standards, which are central to GCRI’s contribution to the ECT. These standards promote sustainability, risk mitigation, and resilience, aligning directly with the treaty’s objectives. Furthermore, NWGs engage in policy advocacy at national and international levels, influencing policy frameworks to be more conducive to ECT goals.

Innovative Solution Development

The focus on leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative practices within NWGs enables the rapid development and deployment of solutions to urgent global challenges. This proactive approach in technology and innovation aligns with the ECT’s emphasis on addressing global risks through advanced and scalable solutions, underpinning the treaty’s focus on sustainable development and collective security.

Building Trust and Transparency

NWGs foster an environment of trust and transparency, essential for the successful implementation of planetary nexus governance. By ensuring that processes are inclusive and outcomes are transparent, NWGs help build confidence among potential treaty signatories, demonstrating the tangible benefits and fairness of the governance model proposed by the ECT.

Providing a Framework for Multilateral Cooperation

NWGs offer a ready-made framework for multilateral cooperation and international collaboration, vital for countries considering becoming signatories to the ECT. By supporting NWGs, countries can engage in pre-existing collaborative networks that are already aligned with ECT’s goals, easing the transition into full treaty participation.

The GCRI’s strategic approach to NWGs effectively addresses the challenges facing the ECT and provides a compelling model for countries to become signatories under the Planetary Nexus Governance. By fostering multi-disciplinary collaboration, tailoring global objectives to local contexts, building capacities, and promoting innovative solutions, NWGs serve as critical national enablers in the global effort to address pressing challenges through collective action and shared governance.

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