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CRS is a tokenized reward system to enable the design and deployment of specialized programs with dynamic pathways, digital twins, and multimodal service delivery in real-time

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Hacker using computer, smartphone and coding to steal password and private data remotely
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Skills Acquisition

Stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing workplace by accessing fresh, on-demand skilling programs through a powerful peer-to-peer marketplace.

Skills Activation

Leverage the integrated Micro-production Model built for the twin digital-green transformation. Unleash the next generation of skills and competencies.

Skills Matching

Use instruments built for tackling unemployment, facilitating transitions to jobs and making TVET more responsive and resilient toward labour market risks.

Credit Rewards System

How does it work?

A digital Credit Rewards System (CRS) incentivizes learners’ participation in MPM across the GCRI network. It provides a P2P Value Creation Ecosystem for stakeholders to fund projects and allocate resources effectively and optimally. CRS ensures that learners who have gained knowledge and skills through open collaboration, work experience, public service, or informal education have access to resources for LLL

Earn credits for successful course completion, assignments and quizzes
performance 2
Earn credits for successful training module completion, practices and exams
Earn credits for higher ranking in your niche topics, industries, or communities
verified account
Earn credits for participating in MPM’s peer-to-peer verification process
Earn credits for successful course creation, teaching and grading
Earn credits for developing tools and resources for the twin digital-green transformation
hub 1
Earn credits for generating engagement with your work, profile and communities
backend development
Earn credits for participating in MPM’s peer-to-peer validation process
appointment scheduling 1
Earn credits for mentorship activities provided to individuals, teams, and communities
puzzle 1
Earn credits for integrating tools and resources for the twin digital-green transformation
combo chart 1
Earn credits for evaluating candidates, companies, assets and work delivered in MPM
mechanistic analysis
Earn credits for participating in MPM’s peer-to-peer valuation process
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Twin Transformation
Blank mobile phone screen mockup
Turning Agency Into Value

Micro-production Model

The Micro-production Model- MPM is focused on building value-based, impact-driven and simplified WILP for the twin digital-green transformation. MPM’s learning pathways integrate research and development modules using micro-services and micro-tasks to validate skills gained through inLabs’ programs. MPM’s multi-platform network acts as a utility infrastructure with end-to-end participatory mechanisms to help stakeholders engage and empower talents, immigrants, newcomers and citizens through up-skilling and re-skilling programs. It facilitates re-entry to the labour market while earning micro-credentials contributing to the best of their abilities during each stage of career development. Learn more


Embrace the Future of Work

The sustainability of society depends on its capacity to upscale resilient initiatives. We aim to be a catalyst of change, allowing the global society to find systemic solutions to complex issues. Our goals can only be met if we work together. International investments and support are needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade and market access, especially for developing countries. To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative

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