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Innovation Lab: Value Statement

Last modified: December 3, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min


The principles of sustainability guide our actions. We believe that only by combining social responsibility, ecological balance, civil participation, and economic capability will current and future generations lead secure and dignified lives. Conflicting goals and interests have to be resolved relatively among all stakeholders. Negotiation processes of this kind require cooperation between multidisciplinary teams if development is to be sustainable. We facilitate popular participation in the administrative process and thus strengthens democracy at the grassroots level.

In particular, we:

  • Advocate respect for human rights, equal opportunities, and integrity;
  • Support the rule of law and civic participation
  • Committed to ensuring fair negotiation processes, both within and outside the GCRI;
  • Build novel alternative mechanisms to market-oriented, ecological, and social-economic order 

To realize the lab mission, we operate under a set of guiding values:

Open and Inclusive

Drawing upon the collective intelligence of people from around the world


Evidence-based practices are essential ingredients of our success plan


Attracting the support of others to enable sustainable development solutions that reach a massive scale


Creating fast consensus loops that enable continuous integration and continuous delivery

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