Innovation Lab: A Scientific Approach

Last modified: December 3, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 2 min


Our focus on leveraging sustainability promise reflects the GCRI’s broad embrace of a scientific method in risk and innovation to bring about positive change and solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges.


We leverage the technical expertise of scientists and researchers worldwide to build local scientific capacity, empowering people with tools for change in environmental, social, and governance policies. The Lab aims to increase scientific research, deliberative tools, and analysis to improve quality of life. We partner with academic communities, institutions, and the private sector to build local scientific capacity through comprehensive agenda setting and open collaborations.


As GCRI evolves towards becoming a global leadership alliance in risk and innovation, it is critical to have effective member oversight and governance of GCRI’s policy work and programs. The Lab is responsible for providing technical direction on the GCRI network’s policies and offering guidance in line with GCRI’s mandate as a global leadership alliance in risk management and open innovation. 


We work to increase open and sustainable innovation, in part by strengthening the foundations of markets and democracy. Our multidisciplinary approach spans the social sciences, humanities, law, business, technology, and data to understand risks and creatively respond to the complex array of individual, societal, cultural, and economic issues. By developing tools, generating insights, and forging connections across local communities, the innovation lab contributes to a sustainable future. Our independent experts, advisors, and mentors promote international security, prosperity, and justice for all by building tools, prototyping new technologies, creating datasets, working with local leaders, and training government officials.


We identify, examine, and accelerate the development of new tools with evidence of social impact, sustainable financing, and open access. We also increase the adoption of high-impact ideas and solutions through the effective use of open innovation methods. Innovation lab brings together an unusual bunch of participants, cutting across industries, professions, and cultures, fuel collaborative innovation, and accomplish its goals.


GCRI is a community-driven organization requiring careful and precise considerations in managing a healthy reward and incentive mechanism. Executive Board supports community development with financial instruments such as bounty, grants, proposals, and traditional investment and acceleration programs. The Board is responsible for generated funds and allocates them according to ecosystem needs and community governed rules.


As a non-profit organization, we have a purpose in our charter: to make innovation available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. The Lab works with governments, corporations, and accelerators to enhance innovative solutions’ creation and adoption. Innovation Lab is uniquely created to incentivize world-class teams for scientific breakthroughs and novel innovation. It also provides a robust funding mechanism to support the development of underfunded public infrastructures. QF is a matching fund system that allows for market-based but democratic funding of public goods, incentivizing innovation with rewards proportional not to profit but to the social value created.


We build partnerships with various organizations to create innovative, cost-effective, and results-oriented development solutions tailored for environmental, social and governance issues. The Lab leads and coordinates GCRI’s efforts to accelerate open collaboration to form dynamic, mutually beneficial alliances with a broad range of partners and stakeholders where business interests align with the GCRI’s development objectives. 

Cross-cutting Activities

We work to advance GCRI’s development goals and increase its impact by mainstreaming the use of science, technology, innovation, and partnership to address cross-cutting global issues.

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