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Innovation Lab: Operation

Last modified: December 3, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min


The Lab’s innovations, technologies, and approaches have applications across different sectors of public service. That is why we collaborate with many public and private sector partners to address cross-cutting global and local issues. We have put a novel system into place to support democratic decision making and effective prioritization within our development portfolio. Our data-driven methodology allows for early and ongoing course corrections throughout our platforms and projects, enabling a multidisciplinary environment to examine and enhance radical ideas. 


We work to reframe development challenges, build a new partnership, and spur new ways of tackling complex challenges. We equip GCRI members with skills to design innovative projects using open source tools, open data, and alternative methods. To achieve our goal, GCRI builds diverse networks around critical systems challenges and facilitate a dialogue on innovation and design across the GCRI network.

Discover and Test

We provide open access to equity and education to the public. Innovation Lab enables the public to quickly test and deploy ideas, validate, and easily integrate their solutions into GCRI’s existing services. Our goal is to reduce complexity and time to the public while maintaining satisfaction rates, security audits, and acquisition cycles.

Accelerate and Apply

We address some of the most pressing obstacles impeding environmental, social, and governance issues. By accelerating radically innovative ideas, we aim to build new technologies for the common and influencing the industry to prioritize public interest and community empowerment. Throughout the sector, we also activate thought leaders to develop and expand social impact policies.

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