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Innovation Lab: Community

Last modified: December 3, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min


The Lab provides a platform for peer-to-peer exchange to gain new insights and network with other members. Innovation Lab stimulates discussion and debates the topics of interest to active members with the following objectives.

Exchange and Collaboration

GCRI is a unique forum that is the only venue in which direct stakeholders can meet, exchange ideas and experiences, and hold open discussions about their challenges and strategies in a local environment. 

Forward-Looking Industry Research

The Lab is seen as a “go-to” resource for global risk, industry challenges, trends, and opportunities. Members have a chance to voice their concerns and ideas through industry publications and benefit from the release of such publications. The GCRI carefully selects its initiatives based on membership directives and its perception of a project’s ability to move the industry forward.

Member-Only Initiatives

The Lab undertakes several initiatives that ultimately provide information and benefits to GCRI members. These initiatives encompass a variety of research and development topics – from valuation to governance to compensation practices.


The Lab organizes a network-wide conference every 6–9 months, typically for 1.5 days of discussion, case studies, and networking. Other events, including hackathons, workshops, and smaller working group roundtables, are held on an ad-hoc basis.

Promotion of Public’ Perspective

GCRI works to raise awareness about open innovation by representing the public’s perspective, dedication to sustainability principles, and collaborative agenda settings across local and global jurisdictions. On this front, the Innovation Lab works as a leading voice within the technology industry and the broader emerging markets, frameworks, and socially responsible communities.

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