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Innovation Lab: Programs & Benefits

Last modified: December 3, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min


The GCRI is a member-run global non-profit whose mandate is to deliver sustainable solutions for humanity’s most compelling challenges. We do this by building on our research and technology development strengths in the core sectors of health, environment, energy, data and finance, and platforms such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT.

Programs are designed to support SMEs and partnering jurisdictions in local and regional territories to enter into a joint project and collaborate on novel technological solutions. We look for projects that address a defined need across the environmental, social, and governance spectrum. Our goal is to generate economic and social benefits in all jurisdictions globally. 

– Partners

We work directly with partnering jurisdictions to:

  • Focus on priority technology sectors 
  • Set program objectives 
  • Assist with finding partners 
  • Help manage risk 
  • Provide matching funds

– SMEs

We work directly with SMEs to provide:

  • Introductions to trusted global partners 
  • Matching technologies and outsourcing talent
  • International business acumen 
  • Access to world-class experts and intellectual resources 
  • Technology development, prototype, and demonstration 
  • Non-dilutive funding support


  • Access to global markets 
  • Access to technology development, prototype, and technology demonstration 
  • Access to government and industry contacts 
  • Access to high-quality resources and capabilities 
  • Potential for the long term, strong partnerships
  • Increases business maturity
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