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Innovation Lab: Theory, Concept, and Application

Last modified: December 3, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min


Accelerating the journey from theory to concepts and applications is critical to securing our world-class peer production and paving the way for more sustainable innovation. Nevertheless, a common concern is that, while support is available for early-stage research and commercial development, this support falls away for public services before ideas transform into the social application.

Underfunded and Underutilized

Commercial and entrepreneurial aspects of enterprise innovation are essential across all academic disciplines. However, public sector technologies such as digital labor rights, open education, and internet policy remain underfunded and underutilized. Productive interaction between theory and praxis is often impeded by a shortage of relevant knowledge and research translation skills, and funding mechanism for social entrepreneurship.

Incentives and Rewards

We want to ensure that robust incentive structures are in place to encourage everyone to engage effectively across our network. Our complex yet simple funding mechanism will help tackle risk management and productivity gaps and reduce regional imbalances in research and development intensity. Key themes may include improving community development, providing advisory skills, and improved access to education, considering the commercialization incentives posed by democratic funding streams, and community voting to maximize our confidence in intellectual power and democratic governance.

Funding Mechanism

Our goals are to improve public funding mechanisms, including government procurements, to support open innovation and sustainable development. We will explore experimental funding models, building on experiences developed by grassroots approaches, enabling us to take more calculated risks. We welcome alternative views on how to unleash the potential of Innovation Lab scale-ups (businesses showing high social impact), for instance, by boosting the adoption and diffusion of blockchain-based identity for open access and financial inclusion.


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