The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI)


Risk paths streamline the identification, mitigation, and evaluation of glocal issues, followed by the optimal use of resources to manage adverse impacts. They provide secure public portals that empower citizens to check working eligibility, participate in WILPs, and report risks anywhere, anytime. Risk pathways deliver out-of-the-box functionality to meet institutional requirements, including pre-built ESG rules and real-time validation systems. Our stewardship streams help members navigate essential resources and find the right combination of levers across the compliance landscape. Risk pathways aim to help companies build resiliency by adopting SCF and integrating collective intelligent pipelines for risk management.

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Integrated Services and Solutions

Risk Management is a critical component of any successful business. It involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing potential risks that may affect the organization's operations and objectives and then implementing strategies to mitigate or avoid those risks. This is particularly important in today's fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, where new risks are constantly emerging, and existing risks are becoming more complex.

One of the most effective ways to manage risk is to work with a professional risk management services provider. These organizations have the expertise and resources to help businesses identify and assess risks, develop effective risk management strategies, and implement those strategies in a way that is both efficient and cost-effective. There are several key benefits to working with a risk management services provider. First, these organizations have the knowledge and experience necessary to identify and assess a wide range of risks, including those that may be difficult to detect or understand on your own. They can also provide a fresh perspective on your organization's operations and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Second, risk management service providers can help you develop and implement effective risk management strategies. This may include creating and implementing policies and procedures to mitigate risks, implementing monitoring and reporting systems to track the effectiveness of risk management efforts, and providing training and education to employees to help them understand and respond to risks.

Third, working with a risk management services provider can be a cost-effective way to manage risk. These organizations have the resources and expertise to handle risk management tasks quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for in-house staff and other resources.

In conclusion, risk management is crucial to any successful business, and working with a professional risk management services provider is an effective way to identify, assess, and mitigate risks. These organizations have the knowledge, experience, and resources to help businesses of all sizes and types manage risks in a way that is both efficient and cost-effective.

GCRI provides network platforms that allow stakeholders to launch projects and invite communities to participate in research, policy, and development initiatives.

Our network platforms allow for participatory mechanisms that provide all interested parties with a venue for collaboration and collective action. GCRI platforms can be a valuable tool for QH as they can help to connect and engage different stakeholders, including government agencies, private companies, communities, and individuals. By leveraging these stakeholders' knowledge, expertise, and resources, projects can achieve a more significant impact and reach their goals more effectively.

GCRI network has several benefits; first, it allows a broader range of stakeholders to participate in research, policy, and development initiatives. This can lead to a more diverse and inclusive process, with a broader range of perspectives and ideas being considered. Additionally, it enables QH to leverage the resources and expertise of communities and other organizations, which can help enhance their work's impact.

Second, GCRI platforms allow for greater transparency and accountability. All the stakeholders have access to information about the initiatives, including goals, progress, and results. This allows for greater oversight and can help to build trust among stakeholders and partners.

Third, GCRI platforms enable QH to be more responsive to emerging needs and priorities. As new challenges and opportunities arise, stakeholders can quickly and easily launch new projects and initiatives through the platforms, allowing communities to adapt and respond in real-time.

In conclusion, the GCRI network provides valuable tools, capacities, and communities for connecting and engaging stakeholders, promoting transparency and accountability, and enabling more responsive and effective research, policy, and development initiatives. Our network platforms empower organizations to achieve a more significant impact and promote sustainable development.

Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) standards and frameworks are sets of guidelines and best practices that companies can use to measure and improve their performance in areas related to the environment, social issues, and governance. Adopting and following these standards and frameworks can help companies identify risks, track progress and improve overall performance, which in turn can help attract investors, consumers, and regulators.

Compliance with these regulations is becoming increasingly important as consumers, investors, and regulators are placing greater emphasis on companies' environmental and social impact. Below is a guide to help companies understand the latest ESG regulations worldwide and develop a strategy to include stakeholders in their compliance efforts.

  1. Understand the regulations: Familiarize yourself with the latest ESG regulations in your industry and region. This may include laws and guidelines on issues such as carbon emissions, water management, labour rights, and governance practices. It is important to note that regulations can vary depending on the country, state, or industry.

  2. Assess your current practices: Conduct an internal audit of your company's ESG practices. This will help you identify areas where you are currently in compliance and areas where improvements are needed.

  3. Engage stakeholders: ESG regulations often directly impact stakeholders such as employees, customers, and local communities. It is essential to involve them in the compliance process to ensure that their concerns and perspectives are taken into account. One way to do this is to hold regular meetings or workshops with stakeholders to discuss the company's ESG practices and gather feedback.

  4. Develop an action plan: Based on your internal audit and stakeholder engagement results, develop an action plan to address any areas of non-compliance and improve your company's overall ESG performance. This should include specific targets and milestones, as well as a clear timeline for implementation.

  5. Continuously monitor and report progress: Monitor your progress and report regularly on the status of your ESG compliance. This will help you identify areas where further improvements are needed and demonstrate to stakeholders that the company is actively working to address their concerns.

The latest ESG regulations can be different by country, but some examples are:

  • In the United States, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has proposed new regulations requiring companies to disclose more information about their ESG practices.
  • In the EU, The Non-Financial Reporting Directive requires companies to disclose information about their environmental and social impact, as well as their governance practices.
  • In the United Kingdom, the Financial Conduct Authority has introduced new guidance for companies to disclose information about their climate-related risks and opportunities.
  • In Japan, the Japan Securities Dealers Association has introduced new guidelines for companies to disclose information about their ESG practices.
  • In China, the National Development and Reform Commission has introduced new regulations on energy efficiency and carbon emissions for companies.

It is essential to consult with professionals or experts and be up to date with the laws and regulations of your specific region or industry. Developing a strategy to include stakeholders in your ESG compliance efforts can help you build trust, transparency, and engagement. And by monitoring and reporting your progress, you can demonstrate to stakeholders that your company is committed to operating ethically and sustainably.

Below is a list of some of the critical ESG-related laws and regulations that companies in the financial sector may need to comply with in 2023:

  1. SEC Regulation S-K Item 101(c) (United States): This regulation requires companies to disclose information about their material environmental liabilities in their annual reports.

  2. EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (European Union): This directive requires companies to disclose information about their environmental and social impact and governance practices in their annual reports.

  3. TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) (Global): This framework provides guidelines for companies to disclose information about their climate-related risks and opportunities.

  4. CRD IV (Capital Requirements Directive IV) (European Union): This directive includes provisions that require banks to disclose information about the environmental and social risks associated with their lending and investment activities.

  5. SFDR (Sustainability-related Disclosure Regulation) (European Union): This regulation requires companies to disclose their sustainability risks and opportunities, including their environmental, social, and governance risks.

  6. ESG Disclosure Regulation (Japan): This regulation requires companies to disclose information about their ESG practices, including their environmental and social impact, in their annual securities reports.

  7. China's Green Credit Directive (China): This directive requires banks and other financial institutions to disclose information about their environmental and social performance as part of their credit assessment process.

  8. Environmental and Social Risk Management Directive (Japan): This Directive, set by the Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan, requires financial institutions to implement an environmental and social risk management framework.

It's important to note that these examples may only cover some of the regulations in place, and new regulations may emerge. It's essential to consult with experts and professionals and stay informed on the laws and regulations that apply to the specific region and industry. The rules companies need to comply with in 2023 may have changed from my knowledge cut-off.

As a non-profit organization focused on participatory research and innovation, our network is well-positioned to help stakeholders comply with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) regulations and improve their ESG performance.

One way GCRI can help stakeholders comply with ESG regulations is through the development and implementation of LLL programs that educate and inform stakeholders about the specific requirements of these regulations. By providing stakeholders with clear, actionable information about what they need to do to comply with ESG regulations, GCRI can help reduce confusion and uncertainty, which can, in turn, help stakeholders take the necessary steps to comply with these regulations.

Additionally, GCRI can help stakeholders improve their ESG portfolio by researching and developing new technologies and practices that can positively impact the environment, society, and governance. For example, GCRI could conduct research on sustainable agricultural practices that can reduce the environmental impact of farming or develop new technologies that can help reduce carbon emissions. GCRI can help improve their ESG portfolio by sharing this research and technologies with stakeholders.

To evidence the impact of your work, GCRI uses CRS to track and measure the results of our programs and initiatives. For example, you could track the number of stakeholders that have adopted sustainable agricultural practices due to your research or the reduction in carbon emissions achieved through implementing new technologies. Collecting this data and presenting it in the form of case studies and success stories can help demonstrate the positive impact of your work on stakeholders and inspire others to adopt similar practices.

In summary, GCRI can help stakeholders comply with ESG regulations and improve their ESG scores by educating their stakeholders about these regulations, developing new technologies and practices that positively impact their communities, and tracking and measuring the impacts of their sponsored programs.




Launch your projects to trusted participants in minutes and power up your pipelines with the most potent and flexible participatory mechanism built for the twin digital-green transition





Create comprehensive engagement pipelines that are vital to the success of your project. Understand and respond to the risks and opportunities with continuous learning modules





Infuse pipelines to validate research, results, and reports. Establish dynamic methods capable of evaluating and increasing possibilities within research and development communities

school building

Sponsor MPM for academic projects


Sponsor MPM for sector-based industry projects

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Sponsor MPM for social and community development

city railway station

Sponsor MPM for the city and regional projects


Sponsor MPM for institutional projects


Sponsor MPM for public sector projects


Sponsor MPM pathways for research builds

measurement tool

Sponsor MPM paths for design builds with WILPs

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Sponsor DevOps with quests, builds and bounties

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Sponsor MPM paths for policy campaigns and public affairs

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Sponsor MPM paths for integration with digital twins

venn diagram
Make systems work together with interoperation builds

Launch MPM for project development and management


Build and deploy products with MPM powered WILPs

cloud network

Launch programs with streamlined builds and integrated CRS

wired network connection

Launch platform builds with integrated CCell and digital twins

centralized network

Create MPM streams for network development and management


Run MPM with DICE for systems innovation

economic improvement

Support platform credits for successful project delivery

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Sponsor badges and share your portfolio anywhere

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Sponsor digital certificates: CoA , CoQ , CoE , CoI


Sponsor micro-credentials for skills and competencies

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Sponsor commerces and accept CoI for target campaigns


Sponsor excellence awards for community leaders

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