
The Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) is a global pioneer in the disciplines of risk management, security, safety, and sustainable innovation. Operating as an international non-profit research and innovation institute, GCRI’s mission spans the execution of groundbreaking research in risk evaluation and mitigation, cutting-edge technologies for risk management, security, safety and privacy, resilience and sustainability. The Center’s initiatives are aimed at enhancing international norms, frameworks and standards in risk management across a diverse array of industries and sectors:

  1. Global Knowledge Exchange and Collaborative Platforms: Serving as a preeminent international platform for the rigorous examination and discourse on the interdisciplinary dimensions of science, technology, and their societal impacts, particularly within the contexts of risk and resilience. The initiative is dedicated to facilitating the synthesis and dissemination of pioneering research and applied knowledge. It endeavors to create a synergistic environment that brings together academics, practitioners, policymakers, and communities across the globe, with the objective of driving forward sustainable development through collaborative efforts.
  2. Standardization and Metrology in Risk and Innovation: Supporting the development and implementation of fundamental standards and metrological practices tailored to risk management and sustainable innovation. By defining and promoting these standards, it aims to enhance the accuracy, reliability, and standardization of risk measurement and evaluation methods internationally. Consequently, this contributes to the improvement of risk management strategies’ interoperability and effectiveness.
  3. Guidance on International and National Standards Development: Providing expert guidance in the development and application of international and national standards within the domain of risk management and planetary integrity. This advisory role is informed by a profound comprehension of the intricate relationship between theoretical concepts and practical implementations in risk management, security, safety, resilience and sustainability. It seeks to encourage the integration of best practices and innovative solutions within policy and organizational structures.
  4. Scholarly, Industry and Policy Publications: Meticulous preparation and dissemination of standards, reports, and scholarly articles, contributing significantly to the academic and practical discourse at the intersection of science, technology, and society in the realm of risk management. These publications are invaluable resources for the academic community, industry stakeholders, and policymakers, promoting the spread of knowledge and stimulating informed discussions on the evolving challenges and prospects in risk management.
  5. Liaison and Technical Interaction with Global Entities: Facilitating civil society engagement and maintains strong connections and technical interactions with other international entities involved in science, technology, standardization, and innovation within the field of risk management. This underscores GCRI’s dedication to fostering a unified and collaborative international approach to addressing the challenges associated with risk management.
  6. Advanced Study of Fundamental and Applied Domains: Investigation of core and applied subjects and their intersections with breakthrough technologies. This includes the study of both natural and human-induced risks and disasters, as well as applied research areas that leverage data analysis, the deployment of technology in risk assessment, and the development of advanced tools for risk intelligence, early warning systems, and emergency management protocols.


  • Open Dialogue: Creating a worldwide forum for open and inclusive discussions on current risk management, security, safety and sustainable innovation issues.
  • Educational and Scientific Initiatives: Hosting educational events such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to spread the latest findings and solutions in risk management and innovation.
  • Collaborative Engagements: Facilitating GCRI Sessions and Midterm Meetings as opportunities for collaboration, networking, and idea exchange among experts, academics, and decision-makers.
  • Technological Advancements: Spearheading the development of open-source tools and technologies for global risk reduction, including state-of-the-art compliance, conformity, risks, and impact assessment infrastructures.
  • Normative Development: Crafting participatory methods for creating standards and normative frameworks in risk management and global governance, with a focus on inclusive and equitable stakeholder involvement.
  • Research and Publications: Generating and disseminating groundbreaking research and analyses on risk management, integrating advanced identifiers to promote recognition and access in accordance with international standards.
  • Governance Innovations: Proposing and supporting innovative, cooperative solutions at the global governance level to tackle complex issues.
  • Standards Collaboration: Collaborating with international standards organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), and national accreditation agencies, to enhance and develop standards.
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