Global Risks Forum 2025
The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI)

National Advisory Councils

National Councils (NCs) within the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) are pivotal advisory entities at the national level, working to seamlessly integrate and implement GCRI's global initiatives within local contexts. Comprised of esteemed leaders from academia, industry, government, civil society, and environmental sectors, NCs serve as strategic advisory bodies guiding the National Working Groups (NWGs) in aligning their activities with both local needs and global GCRI objectives. Their role is to ensure that global insights on risk management, security, privacy, and sustainability are effectively adapted to national frameworks, thereby enhancing local impact and fostering global collaboration. NCs are essential in bridging the gap between global strategies and local actions, advocating for the incorporation of GCRI standards into national policies, and facilitating collaborations that drive innovative solutions to complex challenges. Their efforts ensure that the GCRI's mission of fostering sustainable development and risk mitigation is realized on a global scale through localized initiatives, making them a cornerstone of GCRI's approach to global risk innovation

  • Ensure coherence between national initiatives and the GCRI's global strategies, fostering the integration of global insights into national policies and research.
  • Serve as a bridge between national interests and the GCRI's international mission, facilitating the localization of global standards, research findings, and innovative solutions.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of the GCRI's initiatives at the national level by aligning them with local contexts and priorities.

National Councils are composed of senior representatives from each of the Quintuple Helix sectors—academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environment. Members are selected for their leadership, expertise, and ability to champion and influence national policy and practice in the areas of risk management and sustainability.

National Councils have the authority to:

  • Provide strategic direction and support to NWGs for implementing GCRI initiatives locally.
  • Advocate for the incorporation of GCRI standards and research into national policies and regulatory frameworks.
  • Endorse national projects and initiatives for funding and support by the GCRI.
  • Facilitate collaboration between NWGs and other national stakeholders to promote the GCRI's objectives.

Decision-making within NCs is primarily consensus-based, aimed at aligning national initiatives with GCRI’s global goals. In cases where consensus cannot be reached, decisions are made through a structured voting process.

NCs work in close collaboration with NWGs, providing them with strategic insights and support. They operate under the oversight of the Regional Stewardship Boards (RSBs) and maintain a direct communication line with the Global Stewardship Board (GSB) to ensure their actions contribute to the overarching mission of the GCRI.

NCs hold strategic planning sessions, quarterly review meetings, and stakeholder forums to assess national initiatives against GCRI’s goals, adapt strategies as needed, and engage with a broader range of national stakeholders.

NCs directly oversee NWGs, collaborate with RSBs to ensure regional coherence, and communicate with the GSB to align national strategies with global objectives. They also work with the Specialized Leadership Board (SLB) to ensure technical initiatives and research within the country are informed by and contribute to the GCRI’s technical agenda.

Nexus Governance is an innovative framework employed by the Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) to address complex global challenges through integrated, interdisciplinary approaches. It transcends traditional boundaries, focusing on the interconnectedness of ecological, societal, and technological forces.

GCRI implements Nexus Governance by integrating the Quintuple Helix model, fostering collaboration across academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environment. This holistic approach ensures diverse stakeholder engagement in risk management and sustainability efforts.

Technology is pivotal in GCRI’s governance model, leveraging advancements in AI, blockchain, and quantum computing to enhance risk mitigation, resilience building, and the development of sustainable solutions. It aligns innovations with sustainability and ethical stewardship principles.

GCRI advocates for the reform of international environmental law to incorporate an Earth system perspective, emphasizing laws that manage the interconnected challenges of the Anthropocene. It supports the adoption of a foundational principle, like planetary integrity, to harmonize sustainability frameworks and laws.

The Quintuple Helix model within GCRI promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among five key societal sectors: academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environment. This model is crucial for fostering a comprehensive approach to global risk management and innovation.

GCRI envisions the future of global governance as an integrated system capable of addressing the dynamic interactions among planetary boundaries. Through Nexus Governance, it aims to establish a resilient, sustainably developed global community with enhanced risk mitigation and resilience.

GCRI’s approach is unique due to its emphasis on combining exponential technologies with a collaborative governance framework, advocating for legal reforms, and applying the Quintuple Helix model. This comprehensive strategy positions GCRI at the forefront of shaping sustainable global governance paradigms.

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