The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI)

De-coding Risk

Re-building Trust

An invitation to explore, discuss and imagine new systems, technologies and mechanisms capable of building resilience, accelerating innovation & reducing risks to human civilization

Multilateral Solutions For A Better Tomorrow

Earth Cooperation Treaty

In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges, the interconnectedness of water, food, and energy security within the human-machine-nature nexus is critical to building resilience on a planetary scale. Our shared principles and common goals have never been more important or more urgent. The Summit of the Future in September 2024 presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical issues and bridge significant gaps in global governance. Join us in endorsing the Earth Cooperation Treaty (ECT) as a necessary and transformative framework. The ECT is designed to address these gaps and ensure that the promises of the Summit translate into tangible global progress. Together, we can turn vision into action and build a resilient future for all

In the lead-up to the Summit of the Future, our extended network are organizing hybrid meetings focusing on key topics from "Our Common Agenda." These meetings, featuring expert panels and interactive workshops, will cover climate change, technological innovation, global health, social equity, and more. Partnering with leading institutions, these free and open sessions invite the public to engage, learn, and contribute to policy briefs. By fostering dialogue and collaboration, we aim to develop actionable solutions and prepare for the Summit of the Future. Join us to help shape a sustainable and resilient future

Web 3.0
Leading the transition to Web 3.0, effectively managing risks while harnessing AI, data interconnectivity, and user-centric content for sustainable, technology-driven global growth
Society 5.0
Envisioning a harmonious, tech-integrated Society 5.0, identifying risks and fueling sustainable innovation to bridge the digital-physical divide and nurture societal growth
Human 2.0
Stimulating innovation in Human 2.0 while ensuring risk control and human values protection, paving the way for an ethically-conscious, equitable technological future
Industry 4.0
Balancing amplified efficiency with sustainable practices in Industry 4.0, fostering a responsible Fourth Industrial Revolution centered on economic, environmental, and social sustainability
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