Global Risks Forum 2025
Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) Productive Research & Development (PRD) Regenerative Research & Development (RRD)
        <h1 data-class="secondary-font text-white" data-style="">System Innovation.</h1>
        A transdisciplinary program to incorporate resilient systems science, organizational behavior, science policy, innovation science, and systems leadership.
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        <h6>How It Works?</h6>
        <h2 data-class="secondary-font text-black" data-style="">Research for Regenerative Future</h2>
        Transformative innovation requires resilient networks and democratic stewardship that unite a variety of actors and encourage a plurality of methods, perspectives, and skills, allowing for an agile, engaged, and inclusive environment
              <h5 style="padding-top:40px">1. Collaboration</h5>Program proposals are used to persuade potential stakeholders and funders that your work is worthy of their support
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              <h5 style="padding-top:40px">2. Governance</h5>Community decides on program proposals via ranking, rating, and voting contests and view the results in real time
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               <h5 style="padding-top:40px">3. Funding</h5>Quadratic funding is a precise formula we use for allocating a central matching fund optimally and democratically
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              <h5 style="padding-top:40px">4. Production</h5>Program funds will be allocated to projects that serve the common good by contributing to the UNSDGs
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              <h5 style="padding-top:40px">5. Engagement</h5>Take on a prominent societal role as an innovator and engage with the territorial community
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              <h5 style="padding-top:40px">6. Impact</h5>Support radical transformation of present-day innovation systems into better alternatives
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        <h3 data-class="secondary-font text-gradient-primary" data-style="">Towards Open Science &amp; Innovation Systems</h3>
        GCRI enables building and institutionalizing a network of relationships among diverse actors and nurturing their commitment for systemic innovation in response to the complex and interconnected global and local challenges. We aim at increasing economic prosperity and social justice through open collaboration within planetary boundaries
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        <h6>Tokenized Rewards</h6>
        <h2 data-class="secondary-font text-heading-default" data-style="">Start accepting paid subscriptions</h2>
        We believe that innovation leaders of every background should be able to pursue their curiosity, generating financial return directly from their own sponsors and on their own terms.
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        <h2 data-class="secondary-font text-heading-default" data-style="">Take on crowd-generated microtasks</h2>
        Leverage the creativity and wisdom of the crowd by using GCRI's efficient crowdsourcing algorithms with a growing set of microtasks from the community. 
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        <h2 data-class="secondary-font text-heading-default" data-style="">Join Quadruple Helix Innovation System</h2>
        The Quadruple Helix Model of innovation recognizes four major actors in the innovation system: science, policy, industry, and society. In keeping with this model, more and more governments are prioritizing greater public involvement in innovation processes.
                 <h6>Stakeholder Engagement</h6>Collaborate with diverse stakeholders
               <h6>Social Impact</h6>Define project to tackle SDGs
              <h6>Sustainable Innovation</h6>Design and deliver novel innovations
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        <h2 data-class="secondary-font text-heading-default" data-style="">Endless possibilities</h2>
        Create your own profile · find relevant contents · do networking · upload new resources rate existing resources · promote your projects · have your say!
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        <h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="0">Sponsors</h6><h2><sub></sub></h2>Support Us</p>      Ethical Advertising      Lead Generation      Vendor Relationship      Name and Logo Placement        Unlimited Risk Reports     24/7 Premium support<a href="#" data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="400">Contact Us</a>
        <h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="0">Partners</h6><h2><sub></sub></h2><p>Join Us</p>      Everything in Sponsorship      Co-design solutions        Service integration      Affiliate Revenue      Advanced Analytics     24/7 Premium support<a href="#" data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="400">Contact Us</a>
        <h6>EFFECTIVE &amp; INTEGRATED</h6>
        <p>Our research tribes will start not by defining the technical solution but by identifying the societal question (or goal) they will address through participatory, co-creative, and evolutionary processes, taking into account ethical values, cultural context, and societal dimensions
              <h5 style="padding-top:0px" data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="100">Tokenized Rewards</h5>
              <h5 style="padding-top:0px" data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="100">P2P Production</h5>
                <h5 style="padding-top:0px" data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="100">System Innovation</h5>
        <h3 data-class="secondary-font text-gradient-primary" data-style="">Create beautiful reviews with unlimited possibilities.</h3>
        Be ready to use the next generation of WordPress themes. Be ready to met Essentials by pixfort.
        <img width="200" height="200" src="" alt="Innovation" loading="lazy" /><p data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="500">I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life a lot easier!</p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="700">Tommy haffman</h6>via<img width="200" height="200" src="" alt="Innovation" loading="lazy" /><p data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="500">I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life a lot easier!</p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="700">Marc Antoine</h6>via<img width="200" height="200" src="" alt="Innovation" loading="lazy" /><p data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="500">I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life a lot easier!</p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="700">Carla Megan</h6>via<img width="200" height="200" src="" alt="Innovation" loading="lazy" /><p data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="500">I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life a lot easier!</p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="700">Sara Smith</h6>via<img width="200" height="200" src="" alt="Innovation" loading="lazy" /><p data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="500">I am a web designer, you guys are very inspiring. I wish to see more work from you, maybe more freebies. Using pixfort products made my life a lot easier!</p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><h6 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="700">Lili</h6>via
        <h5 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="200">      What do we mean by systems?</h5>With     the    rise    of  globalization,   the    ongoing expansion   of  information technology,  and     an  unfolding   environmental   crisis  the     world   has changed    in  quite radical   ways    in  the past    decades alone.  Issues  have gone   from    the national    level   to  the global  level   -   at  a   whole   new scale and    scope   -   they    have    gone    from    relatively  isolated    to  highly interconnected   and     interdependent,     while   the     pace    of  change  has increased  by  an  order   of  magnitude. The  argument    follows that    we  are now in  a   new world   of  complexity that operates    in  very    different   ways     to  that   which   our industrial  age reductionist    logic   may imply.  If  we  are  to  respond    effectively  to  the challenges  of  this    new     world   and     to  have    some    hope    of  shaping outcomes   we  need    to  embrace new ways    of  looking at  the world   but also    new ways    of  organizing. As  a   consequence,    we  are challenged  to evolve    new     organizational  structures  and     capabilities    that    are currently  significantly   absent.
        <h5 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="200">      What is system innovation?</h5>Systems innovation is a new systems-based approach to enabling change within complex organizations. It is a holistic approach that looks at the underlying dynamics and systemic conditions of an issue, working with the innate evolutionary potential of complex adaptive systems to enable transformative change in their structure, behavior, and functional capabilities.  While the term “systems change” is somewhat well-known within certain spheres - namely the social sector and non-for-profit realm - the term systems innovation is largely nonexistent in terms of its level of awareness and definition. What is different about systems innovation from systems change is the word “innovation”. Whereas the term systems change simply refers to changes in a system the term systems innovation can be seen to be a type of systems change that is explicitly about innovation as an approach to change. As such we can say that systems innovation is an approach to change that involves the combination of systems thinking and innovation.
        <h5 data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="200">      Why system innovation?</h5>We are now in a new world of complexity that operates in very different ways to that which our industrial age reductionist logic may imply. If we are to respond effectively to the challenges of this new world and to have some hope of shaping outcomes we need to embrace new ways of looking at the world but also new ways of organizing. As a consequence, we are challenged to evolve new organizational structures and capabilities that are currently significantly absent. Wicked Problems  This new level of complexity creates many of the things we wish for - telecommunications, international travel, and most of the products that we enjoy on a daily basis - but it also creates new challenges. We call these emergent systemic dysfunctionalities in complex adaptive systems “wicked problems”. Wicked problems are a key characteristic of the world we live in today and the issues that matter the most to us.  Many of today’s strategic challenges - from cybersecurity and international terrorism to migration and water scarcity - can be best thought of as wicked problems created by complex adaptive systems, continuously recreated through the ongoing choices, actions, and interactions among numerous players operating across dense networks. There is growing awareness that these systems are in fact fundamentally complex and thus require a different approach - they demand a more holistic, networked, emergent, and evolutionary approach. Such systemic phenomena require in turn a whole new toolkit of approaches if we are to have any real impact in shaping the world we live in.
              <h4 style="padding-top:20px" data-anim-type="fade-in-up" data-anim-delay="900">Ask Us a Question</h4>We maintain a knowledgebase with instructions and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have questions related to our services, we're here to help!
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