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Innovation Lab (inLab)
Innovation Labs (inLabs) serve as interdisciplinary hubs to test new ideas with governments, institutions, and communities. They support stakeholders with a distributed research and innovation model in which partners collaborate on single solution applications or develop micro-projects assembled for a final solution buildout. inLabs support competence cells and working groups to build communities of practice around sector-specific challenges.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the path to economic recovery will require new skills, assessment tools and valuation mechanisms. Many people are looking to update their skills and address the changes caused by the fast-changing needs of the labour market. The demand for new working models with short learning options, skills recognition and credential validation will likely increase sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
Using inLabs digital infrastructure, members can implement a just-in-time (JIT) paradigm to create a container-based pathway architecture for delivering consistent, secure, high-quality workstream to stakeholders. They can design pathways with incentives, consensus mechanisms and the realm of responsibility. Each container is a single service that can handle specific project requirements and work seamlessly with other nodes by communicating through simple interfaces. With old monolithic architecture, all processes run as one service. If a spike in demand hits the entire architecture, it must be scaled. This complexity limits the number of features that can be added or improved to make the system more robust, especially in times of crisis.
inLabs’ pathway architecture allows “a process” to be delivered as a service, with its components run by the constant stream of new tools and talents for optimal results. We do this by creating working groups to operate as Digital Twins, taking on specific challenges related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) challenges.
inLabs’ programs are managed by independent researchers and instructors. Program managers are group leaders and operationalize specific QH plans to increase high-impact innovation adoption through effective design and delivery of Work-integrated Learning Pathways- WILP.
- System Innovation
- Open Collaboration
- Citizen Science
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Social Enterprise
- Twin Digital-Green Transformation
inLab programs are focused on building value-based, simplified WILP for micro-credentials. Learning pathways can integrate training modules such as micro-services and micro-tasks to validate skills gained through the programs. They provide a robust digital ecosystem to tackle various challenges, including the digital divide, intergenerational gaps and gender-based berries to employment and LLL opportunities. By organizing programs into a series of integrated learning pathways with responsive training modules, inLabs offer incremental milestones on the path to the professional degree, certification, and licensing completion.
Enabled by peer reviews, inLabs’ programs leverage PoC to indicate and visualize the value created by members through MPM. A live numerical value on top of each profile showcases Competence Scores and encourages members to participate effectively and rank higher on leaderboards. PoC act as the universal consensus mechanism for program evaluation across the GCRI network.
Through inLab programs, learners earn stackable micro-credentials while having multiple entries and exit points into the labour market opportunities. GCRI’s gamified CRS enables organizations to incentivize learners’ participation with pCredits, eCredits, and vCredits. It also provides a CoI system for organizations to fund impact-oriented projects and allocate resources effectively and optimally. inLabs’s programs ensure that learners who have gained knowledge and skills through work experience, public service, or informal education can access grants and micro-credentials for competencies mastered along the journey.
Smart badges drive the valuation and assessment functions in a zero-trust environment. They provide an online depiction of some ability or skill acquired by learners with Proof-of-Competence (PoC). Badges linked to PoC allow learners to verify and prove their abilities, interests and achievements dynamically. Moreover, they embed specific standards to generate a Competence Score on the badge file and notarize it as Digital Certificate using hybrid cloud and Web 3.0 technologies. inLabs’ CRS operates based on four principles:
- Open: any organization and industry sector can use CRS for generating, delivering, or verifying digital badges, ranking and certificates
- Transferable: members can transfer badges to and from any third-party organization/application
- Stackable: credentials with PoC can be piled up to build a federated history of achievements and skills
- Verifiable: every PoC contains significant and valid information embedded into its file image so that it is easy to read and verify documents
inLab provides Learning Accounts in a multi-platform network environment to enable cooperation and co-creation while generating reliable data for Skills Intelligence, Competency Frameworks, and Labour Market Information Systems (LMIs).
inLab provides Learning Accounts in a multi-platform network environment to enable cooperation and co-creation while generating reliable data for Skills Intelligence, Competency Frameworks, and Labour Market Information Systems (LMIs).
- Live Competence Score
- Dedicated Corporate Accounts
- Corporate Pathway Resources
- Skills Management resources
- Community Mentorship
- Multimodal service hub
- Training templates and libraries
- Impact Certificates
- Credit Reward Pools
- Micro-production Model
- Integrated Startup Portfolio
- Working Groups Management
- Skills Matching Alerts
- Project Matching Alerts
- Course Matching Alerts
- Skills competency frameworks
- Credential Management
- Reputation building
- Proof-of-Competence
- ESG, CSR, SDGs integration
- Airdrop and community credits
- Smart badges
- QH certificates
- Skills Analytics
- Lifetime storage blocks
- Live Competence Score
- Dedicated Community Accounts
- Community Pathway Resources
- Skills Management Resources
- Community Mentorship
- Multimodal Service Hub
- Training Templates and Libraries
- Impact Certificates
- Credit Reward Pools
- Micro-production Model
- Integrated Community Portfolio
- Working Groups Management
- Skills Trends Alerts
- Jobs Matching Alerts
- Course Matching Alerts
- Skills Competency Frameworks
- Credential Management
- Community Building Resources
- Proof-of-Competence
- ESG, CSR, SDGs Integration
- Airdrop and Community Credits
- Smart Badges
- QH Certificates
- Skills Analytics
- Lifetime Storage & Access
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Publish builds for institutional projects
Publish builds for sector-based industry projects
Publish builds for social and community projects
Publish builds for the city and regional projects
Publish builds for consortium projects
Publish builds for government projects
Boost scientific investigations with research builds
Design new apps and dApps with design builds
Launch DevOps projects with development builds
Create and maintain policy builds for optimal results
Integrate new solutions with integration builds
Make systems work together with interoperation builds
Earn platform credits for successful project delivery
Stack badges and showcase your competence anywhere
Learn step-by-step toward certification programs
Earn micro-credentials for skills and competencies
Get your ranking and work toward higher positions
Stack, visualize and share your competence scores
Publish bounties for solutions you are looking
Leverage open collaboration to build
Reward your community with matching pools
Accept CoI to support public goods and