Global Risks Forum 2025

Quadratic Voting


Quadratic Voting (QV) is a new way of allowing people to express their preferences. Unlike traditional voting systems, where voters simply vote yes/no or at best rank their choices, QV lets people speak louder on the issues most important to them and agree to compromise elsewhere. This improves information quality and protects minority interests while giving people more democratic freedom and discouraging polarization. The real breakthrough here is that people can influence issues in proportion to how much they know and care about them. And by gathering more nuanced perspectives on what really matters to people, even large and diverse groups can quickly find what everyone agrees on, consensual solutions with broad and strong support.

Quadratic Voting and the Public Good: Introduction

Eric A. Posner, E. Glen Weyl

Quadratic voting, Collective decisions, Survey research, Welfare criteria, Market design

Quadratic Voting in the Wild

David Quarfoot et al.

Social choice, Collective decisions, Survey methods, Intensity of preference, Preference elicitation, Budgeted voting

Agonistics: Thinking The World Politically

Chantal Mouffe

radical and plural democracy

On Collusion

Vitalik Buterin

quadratic voting

QV or Not QV? That is the Question: Some Skepticism about Radical Egalitarian Voting Markets

Richard L. Hasen

quadratic voting, radical markets, QV, campaign finance vouchers

Towards a Connected Society

Danielle Allen

Diversity for Democracy and a Prosperous Society

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