Global Risks Forum 2025

Reimagining the Future: Cultivating Global Opportunities for Youth Through Innovation & Impact

At a time when the global progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is critically lagging, the urgency of addressing the stark technological disparity is more pressing than ever. Technology and innovation, which have become vital catalysts for providing opportunities to young people, are not reaching many in the Global South. This disparity is primarily driven by differences in economic growth, which are rooted in varying patterns of productivity.


Countries that prioritize human capital development and foster an environment that encourages their youth to innovate and push the boundaries of science tend to experience greater economic prosperity. Conversely, nations that fail to make such investments often see stagnated growth.


In the global race for artificial intelligence and technological supremacy, nations are vigorously vying to secure a leading edge. While this intense competition has sparked unprecedented investments in innovation and technological advancements in some regions, it has inadvertently disrupted the equitable dissemination of technology to developing countries. This disparity presents a significant challenge, particularly for African youth, hindering their ability to fully harness their potential in the digital age. 

Recognizing the critical need to address these disparities, the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone, in collaboration with UN Agencies and Forbes, is organizing a side event to broaden the discourse beyond the traditional intergovernmental frameworks. This event seeks to explore the transformative promise of technology and innovation in tackling pressing challenges faced by Africa’s youth and shaping the future of the continent.

Moreover, the side event will delve into the systemic barriers that prevent young people in developing countries from becoming innovators. It will focus on fostering an environment where African youth can effectively capture the benefits of technological advancements, promote innovation, and contribute meaningfully to global technological progress. This initiative underscores the importance of inclusive growth and the need to ensure that the digital revolution leaves no one behind.

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