Global Risks Forum 2025
Advisory, Consultancy, Training


We integrate researchers, community leaders, and civic hackers in collaborative projects and long-term partnerships that enable inclusion, sustainability, and equity.

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Crowdsource the Best

On Demand Teams

Our methods combine technical aspects, social and political issues, equity perspectives, and a design solution accepted through consensus-building among the local and global communities

System Innovation Platform

To refresh our ideas of ownership and governance, we are designing and experimenting with new and remembered ways of working together, sharing resources, group decision making and how to steward commons and common pool resources.

Mobilizing Innovation Tribes
Building competence cells as popup/parallel R&D units.
Designing Transformative Process
Turning epistemic design into novel citizen actions.
Infusing Systemic Solutions
Tackling complex challenges through systems thinking.
Sustainability Optimization

Discover The Risk

We support open innovation, collaboration and knowledge-sharing amongst our members, partners and the wider research, development, and education communities.

Our mission is to create tools, capacities, and communities for sustainable and democratic societies. Connecting dots across all levels and branches of the local and global governance, we keep the public informed and empowered to shape other actors’ approaches based on principles of transparency, accountability, and good governance.

Full-Stack Risk Spectrum


Open Access Resources

We foster the wider open collaboration ecosystem, by offering a number of resources such as training material, tools and reports. The topics covered are very broad, from how to use open data, tips to starting a business or how to build teams for social impact.

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