Global Risks Forum 2025

(Part 1) UN Habitat: Pre-Summit World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments

Convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF), the World Assembly will bring together Local and Regional Governments (LRG) leaders with national governments to exchange on their contributions to the “Our Common Agenda” and the outcomes of the SG’s Advisory Group on LRG.


  • High-Level Opening
  • Session 1: Digital Futures and Localization
  • Session 2: Peaceful Futures and Localization
  • Session 3: Sustainable Futures for All and Localization

GTF will invites the SG to deliver the opening message to the World Assembly, including briefing on the final meeting with his Advisory Group. The meeting will also serve as a platform for leaders to demonstrate their collective commitments to support the recommendations of the Advisory Group with regard to multilevel governance action in the key transition areas, in line with the five pillars of the Pact for the Future.

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