Global Risks Forum 2025


Integration Services provide pathways for multimodal service delivery and pluralistic process modelling. They are powering QH stakeholders to capture integration’s complexity and gain a deeper insight into the interdependency paths for risk management. Integration services simulate new improvements with micro-services and transform existing digital architecture into future-proof, secure, and scalable systems. They give engineers and decision-makers the power to combine and test new scenarios in a risk-free lab environment. With Integration Pathways, managers get better visibility and assessment over production, logistical, or management systems with complex, interrelated actions. By building and evaluating CCell in Digital Twins, QH stakeholders can integrate workflows to uncover hidden risks, problems, and opportunities in the production process.

Our members leverage full network capabilities in the MPM to design, build, operate and optimize critical ecosystem integration processes. The GCRI’s multi-platform network brings end-to-end visibility across CI/CD, EDI, SaaS, and API integrations in a zero-trust environment, empowering members to rapidly generate consensus and onboard service, solutions and teams for high-impact results.

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Validate decisions and ideas in real-time with zero-trust digital platforms built for market research anytime, anywhere, and for any budget
Launch rigorous research projects on complex glocal challenges with robust participation, engagement, and validation mechanisms
Leverage multi-platform networks to seamlessly integrate teams, disciplines, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts and theories
Integration + Course

Integration Quests

Integration Quests enable step-by-step modular pathways allowing funders to load-balance credits based on assignments and quiz results. Integration Quests can then be connected to other tasks allowing transdisciplinary projects to run and scale dynamically. Members can create and remix paths for building integrated network quests via a peer-to-peer marketplace. The MPM’s cross-functional capabilities provide QH stakeholders with the ultimate agency and freedom to design and deploy Integration Quests. Using MPM properties, members earn micro-credentials and platform rewards for designing, teaching, or completing quests

Integration + Impact

Integration Bounties

Integration Bounties connect stakeholders with industry experts, researchers, and ethical hackers who can work on various tasks such as security, risk, development, and management operations. Bounty funders offer builders a wide range of rewards for uncovering critical issues and unlocking new opportunities. The MPM’s native bounties use SDGs as the backbone for civic issues under open collaboration programs. Individuals with excellent PoC have the chance to become bounty hunters and unlock unique growth opportunities with impact-oriented results. Ultimately, stakeholders can build multiple CCell in Digital Twins and scale results with robust bounty streams for top teams and solutions

Promoting Empowerment Of Women Through Technology
9 Steps
Universal Access To Banking, Insurance And Financial Services
10 Steps
Doubling The Productivity And Incomes Of Small-scale Food Producers
5 Steps
Reducing Violence Everywhere
7 Steps
  • Complete Onboarding Process
  • Join Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Complete the course Social Skills
  • Complete the course Systemic Risks
  • Join Seminars
  • Join Hackathons
  • Get nominated for CoI Level I
Integration + Work

Integration Builds

Integration Builds enable a distributed software development model in which builders and teams collaborate on applications or various software needs across geographical lines. With MPM, stakeholders benefit from zero-trust processes and robust CRS models to automate workflow and focus on competence, compliance and performance. Builds are available to global talent pools and create intense competition among incoming proposals, allowing funders to work with vetted teams and vendors that provide the best possible service with the highest PoC scores. MPM allows “a process” to be delivered as a service, empowering managers to focus on building core competencies while improving retention rates, lowering the risk of burnout and making teams more productive


Create ILA and start optimization for your targets


Create resource pools with CRS for optimal results


Design and deploy WILPS to find top PoC holders


Create CCells and integrate MPM



Productive Research and Innovaation

Frontline of the Future

Our platforms consist of credit pools built for the skills development and competencies required for the twin digital-green transition. Achievements on the network are being vetted and approved through peer review and a novel Proof-of-Competence (PoC) mechanism. Using GCRI's multi-platform network, large organizations can build a matrix of Competence Cells (CCells) in digital twins and run a powerful semi-autonomous engine for micro-production (MPM) in zero-trust mode. Empowered by integrated CRS, digital twins perform in high-risk and fast-failing environments to tackle complex issues. Also they provides a productive environment for participants to collaborate with QH partners and acquire new knowledge, skills. competencies and careers

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