Global Risks Forum 2025
Global Goals

Reduced Inequalities

Too much of the world’s wealth is held by a very small group of people. This often leads to economic and social discrimination. For nations to flourish, equality and prosperity must be available to everyone - regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs or economic status. When every individual is self-sufficient, the entire world prospers.


Reduce inequality within and among countries

The global pandemic has highlighted failings and weaknesses in how current systems handle risks and issues: traditional business and governance models fail us. Due to this failure, socioeconomic traumas contribute to civil wars, terrorism, climate change, and regional instability. We need to understand risks and study their impacts at individual, local and global levels to avoid catastrophic results arising from outdated and difunctional systems. Quadruple Helix (QH) is an n invitation to explore, discuss and imagine new systems, technologies and mechanisms capable of building resilience, accelerating innovation and reducing risks to human civilization. QH helps build resilience through integrated processes in which different groups of actors with pluralistic methods and perspectives contribute to risk mitigation and impact assessments. Our network mediates between services, solutions, and their uptake within specific organizations, communities or cultural contexts for effective and optimal ESG results. We work with scientists, political leaders, and grassroots activists to field-test our programs and projects in diverse environments. Our working groups foster international security, prosperity, and justice by building tools, prototyping new technologies, creating datasets, working with local leaders, and training government officials.

Shaping science with and for society, dealing with the risk challenges of our planet.

Transformative change requires resilient networks and democratic stewardship that unite a variety of actors and encourage a plurality of methods, perspectives, and skills, allowing for an agile, engaged, and inclusive environment

Shaping science with and for society, dealing with the risk challenges of our planet.
Effective & Integrated

Research. Policy. Innovation.

Members can join working groups that operate as transition arenas, taking on specific WILPs related to ESG issues. Each group works at national, regional, or local levels in a semi-autonomous mode with its own rules, logic, incentives, and assessment mechanisms. Working groups engage QH stakeholders, generate consensus, assemble CCells, create commons pools and manage teams across different disciplines. A Competence Cell is conceived as a small production unit which functions as a Digital Twin to simulate risks and innovation in large-scale projects. Competence Cells encourage various actors from QH to sponsor LLL programs and support micro-credentials through WILPs for up-skilling, risk mitigation, and resilience building.

Innovation Lab

We support innovation, collaboration and knowledge-sharing amongst our members, partners and the broader research, development, and education communities. Our WILPs streamline the identification, mitigation, and evaluation of Risks, followed by the optimal use of GRIx to tackle Issues and manage adverse impacts. They provide secure network platforms that enable citizens to participate in MPM, and use iVRS to report risks and values anywhere. Risk Pathways deliver out-of-the-box CRS functionality to meet institutional requirements, including SCF taxonomies for digital-green skills, compliance frameworks and real-time validation systems. They help members and QH stakeholders with DICE to navigate essential resources and find the right levers across the public-private-planet landscape. 

Integrated pathways for existing national portfolios on the right to inclusive education, skills development, and career mobility through LLL for all
Rewarding participation with utility value across the network to increase interoperability and career mobility
Next-generation of internet for risk and innovation in pluralistic societies
Open source standard indexing system for linked open data set about global risk and humanitarian crisis.
Stakeholder engagement and reporting mechanism for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and impacts
Frameworks, skills taxonomies, competencies and policies for the twin digital-green transition

Get accepted in programs and activate your ILA


Register on network platforms and start WILPs with CRS


Join CCells and co-create solutions with iVRS


Participate in hackathons with your PoC and CoI


Run crowdfunding and awareness campaigns with DICE

Our mission is to create a unique nexus where civil society meets and engages the academy, industry, and government to collectively mitigate risks and make smarter decisions toward more resilient, democratic, and prosperous communities. We build tools, capacities, and communities to tackle Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG issues. Our network architecture provide consensus platforms for ILA, MPM, GRIx, iVRS, CRS, SCF, DICE, ECT
We envision a world of harmony, equity, and justice for all on a sustainable planet, nurtured by innovation, collaboration, stewardship, and engaged citizenry. Our vision is backed by robust SIA, EIA, HIA, GIA, FIA, TIA, SLIA to bridge the digital and physical divide and help resilience building with multi-pronged, symbiotic, and community-driven paths toward the future.
GCRI acts as global focal point for the coordination of risk mitigation and resilience building. We build QH to integrate researchers, community leaders, industry experts and civic hackers in collaborative projects through WILPs that enable inclusion, justice, and equity.

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