Global Risks Forum 2025
Innovation Lab

Inequality Issues

Too much of the world’s wealth is held by a very small group of people. This often leads to systemic risks. For nations to flourish, pathways of equality and prosperity must be available to everyone – regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs or economic status. When every individual is self-sufficient, the entire world prospers.

Issues leverage MPM to reward independent members for identifying, reporting and solving complex inequality challenges. Issues use SDGs as a framework for streamlining actionable steps with industry-specific modules to help members acquire new skills and maximize the impact of innovation streams.

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Special And Differential Treatment For Developing Countries

Implementing the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, in particular, least developed countries, in accordance with World Trade Organization agreements.

5 Steps

Improving Regulation Of Global Financial Markets And Institutions

Improving the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthening the implementation of such regulations.

5 Steps

Encouraging Development Assistance And Investment in the least Developed Countries

Encouraging official development assistance and financial flows, including foreign direct investment, to States where the need is greatest, in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programmes.

5 Steps

Enhancing Representation For Developing Countries In Financial Institutions

Ensuring enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global international economic and financial institutions to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions.

5 Steps

Reducing Income Inequalities

Progressively achieving and sustaining income growth of the bottom 40 percent of the population at a rate higher than the national average.

5 Steps