Global Risks Forum 2025
Nexus Governance

Global Stewardship Board

The Global Stewardship Board, forming GCRI's highest governance layer, consists of presidents from each Regional Leadership Board. This board ensures strategic coherence across all regions, integrating diverse regional insights into GCRI’s global mission and decision-making processes

Remote Global
Meets Every Quarter
Regional Audit
Oversees Regional Leadership Boards
Representational Composition
Leaders from Regional Boards
Two Years Tenure
Elected from Regional Boards


  1. The Global Stewardship Board comprises the Presidents of all Regional Stewardship Boards, each bringing unique regional insights and expertise.
  2. The board is led by an elected President of GCRI, who acts as the chief executive officer at the global level.


  1. The board's key responsibility is strategic oversight, ensuring that GCRI's mission and vision are consistently applied across all initiatives and regions. It sets overarching goals and evaluates the organization's performance against these objectives.
  2. It is responsible for formulating and revising global policies that govern GCRI’s operations, aligning them with international standards and ethical practices. These policies cover areas like research direction, financial management, ethical conduct, and global partnerships.
  3. The board oversees the entire organizational structure, ensuring efficient management, coordination among various entities within GCRI, and adherence to the highest standards of governance.

Election Process:

  1. The President of GCRI is democratically elected every two years by the Regional Board Presidents, ensuring a leadership that is representative and accountable to the regional entities.
  2. The process is structured to be transparent and inclusive, allowing each regional president an equal voice in selecting the global leader, fostering a sense of collective ownership and shared responsibility for the organization’s direction.

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