Global Risks Forum 2025
Nexus Governance

Regional Stewardship

The Regional Stewardship Boards in GCRI tailor the organization's global strategies to local contexts, comprising regional directors and local experts. They ensure region-specific implementation of GCRI's missions, reflecting local challenges and cultural nuances

Remote Regional
Meets Every Quarter
Regional Audit
Oversees Specific Regions and Jurisdictions
Representational Composition
From Working Groups and Specialized Boards
Two Years Tenure
Mixed Appointment and Election


  1. Regional Stewardship Boards are composed of Regional Board Presidents and key regional leaders, including experts from diverse fields relevant to GCRI's mission in that region.
  2. The composition reflects the diversity of each region, encompassing various cultural, economic, and environmental backgrounds, and ensuring that regional strategies are informed by a broad spectrum of local perspectives.


  1. These boards are entrusted with adapting GCRI's global strategies to their regional contexts. This involves interpreting global policies and objectives in a way that resonates with regional specifics, ensuring that initiatives are both globally consistent and locally impactful.
  2. They govern regional operations, overseeing the implementation of strategies, managing regional partnerships, and ensuring that regional activities align with global standards. This includes monitoring regional projects, managing local stakeholders, and ensuring compliance with both regional regulations and global GCRI policies.


  1. Regional Stewardship Boards are granted a significant degree of autonomy to make decisions and strategize in ways that best address their unique regional challenges and opportunities.
  2. This autonomy is balanced with responsibility and accountability to the Global Stewardship Board, maintaining a cohesive and unified approach across GCRI’s global presence. Regular reporting, strategic alignment, and adherence to global standards are mechanisms that ensure this balance between regional autonomy and global coherence.

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