Global Risks Forum 2025
Nexus Governance

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the cornerstone of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI), composed of esteemed individuals from diverse professional realms like risk management, technology, and sustainability. This board upholds the organization's mission through strategic oversight, policy formulation, and financial stewardship, ensuring GCRI operates in alignment with global standards and ethical practices

Remote Global
Meets Every Quarter
Universal Audit
Oversees the entire GCRI
Diverse Composition
Leaders, Founders, Stewards
Two Years Tenure
Appointed By and Elected from Global Board

Composition of the Board

  1. The Board of Trustees ("the Board") shall consist of individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, including but not limited to the fields of risk management, technology, sustainability, and global governance.
  2. Founders and leaders of GCRI who have demonstrated a commitment to the organization for a period exceeding ten (10) years shall be granted automatic eligibility for membership on the Board.
  3. Representatives from GCRI's specialized leadership boards, including but not limited to Industry, Academic, Engineering, Legacy, and Strategic Leadership Boards, shall be included in the Board to ensure representation of a broad spectrum of expertise and perspectives.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The Board shall exercise strategic oversight over the entirety of GCRI’s operations, ensuring adherence to its mission and objectives.
  2. The Board shall be responsible for the development, review, and approval of policies governing the organization’s operational, research, financial, and ethical standards.
  3. The Board shall maintain fiduciary oversight of GCRI’s financial affairs, including but not limited to budgeting, financial planning, and ethical fund allocation.
  4. The Board shall ensure compliance with international standards and best practices in non-profit governance and operations.
  5. Regular evaluations of GCRI's performance in relation to its strategic goals and objectives shall be conducted by the Board.

Meetings and Decision-Making

  1. The Board shall convene at regular intervals as prescribed in bylaws or as deemed necessary by the Board President.
  2. Decision-making processes shall be democratic and transparent, with each member of the Board accorded an equal vote.
  3. Decision-making shall be informed by data-driven insights, utilizing GCRI’s Nexus Model of AI integration in governance.

Autonomy and Collaboration

  1. The Board shall operate autonomously while maintaining a collaborative relationship with GCRI’s Global and Regional Stewardship Boards.
  2. A structured feedback mechanism shall be in place to ensure that the Board’s decisions are informed by regional and local insights and align with GCRI’s global and regional strategies.

Term of Trustees:

  1. The standard term length for trustees on the Board shall be two (2) years.
  2. Notwithstanding the above, founders and leaders who have contributed to GCRI in volunteer capacities for a full tenure of ten (10) years shall be eligible for an extended term on the Board.

Re-election and Appointment:

  1. Upon the completion of their term, trustees may be considered for re-election or reappointment in accordance with the procedures established in GCRI bylaws.
  2. The process for re-election or reappointment shall be conducted with due consideration to the individual’s contribution, performance, and commitment to the mission and objectives of GCRI.

Succession Planning:

  1. Provisions for succession planning shall be duly established and documented in the bylaws.
  2. Succession planning shall be aimed at ensuring continuity in governance and leadership, preserving institutional memory, and maintaining the effectiveness of the Board.
  3. Succession decisions shall be made in alignment with the strategic goals of GCRI and the long-term interests of its mission and objectives.


  • The bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the Board of Trustees by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, provided that such amendments do not contravene any applicable legal statutes or regulations governing non-profit organizations.

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